教程:英语漫读  浏览:1142  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
    1. Climb a tree. 爬树

    2. Roll down a really big hill. 滚下山坡

    3. Camp out in the wild. 野外露营

    4. Build a den. 筑巢

    5. Skim a stone. 磨石子

    6. Run a round in the rain. 雨中跑步

    7. Fly a kite. 放风筝

    8. Catch a fish with a net. 抓鱼

    9. Eat an apple straight from a tree. 吃树上的苹果

    10. Play conkers. 康克戏(儿童游戏,双方用系在绳上的七叶果轮流互击,以击破对方的七叶果)

    11. Throw some snow. 打雪仗

    12. Hunt for treasure on the beach. 海滩探宝

    13. Make a mud pie. 做泥馅饼

    14. Dam a stream. 筑水坝

    15. Play in the snow. 在雪中嬉戏

    16. Make a daisy chain. 用雏菊做项链

    17. Set up a snail race. 赛蜗牛

    18. Create some wild art. 创造野生艺术

    19. Play Pooh sticks. 玩Pooh sticks游戏(人们站在桥上,把一根根小木棒扔到桥下的河流中,谁的小木棒最先到达下游谁就是胜利者)

    20. Jump over waves. 跃过海浪

    21. Pick blackberries in the wild. 摘野生黑莓

    22. Explore inside a tree. 钻到树洞里探索

    23. Visit a farm. 参观农场

    24. Go on a walk barefoot. 赤脚散步

    25. Make a grass trumpet. 用草做喇叭

    26. Hunt for fossils and bones. 寻找化石和骨头

    27. Go star gazing. 夜晚看星星

    28. Climb a huge hill. 登山

    29. Explore a cave. 探索洞穴

    30. Hold a scary beast. 手拿可怕的小动物

    31. Hunt for bugs. 抓昆虫

    32. Find some frogspawn. 找蛙卵

    33. Catch a falling leaf. 抓住落叶

    34. Track wild animals. 跟踪野生动物

    35. Discover what's in a pond. 探索池塘中有什么

    36. Make a home for a wild animal. 为野生动物筑巢

    37. Check out the creatures in a rock pool. 石滩中找出生物

    38. Bring up a butterfly. 喂养蝴蝶

    39. Catch a crab. 抓螃蟹

    40. Go on a nature walk at night. 深夜出行

    41. Plant it, grow it, eat it. 自给自足

    42. Go swimming in the sea. 海里游泳

    43. Build a raft. 造木筏

    44. Go bird watching. 赏鸟

    45. find your way with a map and compass. 用地图和指南针找路

    46. Try rock climbing. 尝试攀岩

    47. Cook on a campfire. 野炊

    48. Learn to ride a horse. 学习骑马

    49. Play geocache. 玩GPS寻宝游戏

    50. Canoe down a river. 泛舟

      上一篇:孩子们最想要的一句鼓励 下一篇:改变坏心情的27种方法


