We’ve all been there. You wake up in the middle of the night and grab your smartphone to check the time — it’s 3 a.m. — and see an alert. Before you know it, you fall down a rabbit hole of email and Twitter. Sleep? Forget it.
Well, I’ve found a $7 solution: an old-fashioned alarm clock. My smartphone has been banished from the bedroom.
Sure, you can flip your phone to quiet mode. But the draw to roam in the early hours is powerful. Sleep researchers say this isn’t good for you. You might as well get up and drink a shot of espresso.
“It’s a very slippery slope, once you’ve picked up your phone, to see what time it is, to checking your email, to lying awake with anxiety,” said Dr. David M. Claman, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. “If you wake up in the middle of the night and check your phone, you will inevitably get frustrated and worried by something you’ve seen, leading your body to tense up.”
“这是条不归路,一旦你拿起手机看时间,就会查邮件,然后就会焦虑地干躺着睡不着,”加州大学旧金山医疗中心睡眠紊乱中心(Sleep Disorders Center at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center)主任戴维·M·克拉曼(David M. Claman)博士说。“如果半夜起来看手机,你会不可避免地被看到的东西弄得心烦意乱,导致你的身体开始紧张起来。”
Then it’s game over. You’re tossing and turning, thinking about an email, a text or a meeting in six hours.
Dr. Claman said smartphones in the bedroom have led to a rise in sleep-related complaints from his patients. “For people I see in their 20s and 30s, the phone is becoming a more common contributing factor to insomnia,” he said.
Some large, long-term studies on sleep disorders in the United Kingdom and Finland have found that stress-related issues have led to a rise in insomnia over the last decade. In the United States, according to the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research at the National Institutes of Health, as many as 40 percent of Americans suffer from insomnia in a given year. Ten to 15 percent have chronic insomnia.
在英国和芬兰进行的一些大规模的睡眠紊乱长期研究发现,过去十年里精神压力相关的问题导致了失眠症的增多。在美国,国立卫生研究院国家睡眠紊乱研究中心(National Center on Sleep Disorders Research at the National Institutes of Health)称,在一年内存在失眠问题的美国人可以多达40%。其中10%到15%有慢性失眠症。
All these sleep interruptions lead to work problems. A 2011 study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that insomnia costs $2,280 in lost productivity per American worker every year. That adds up to $63 billion a year for the nation.
这些睡眠中断都会给工作带来问题。美国睡眠协会(American Academy of Sleep Medicine)在2011年的一次研究发现,失眠平均每年给每一个美国劳动者带来价值2280美元的生产率损失。这样计算,每年全国的损失总计就达630亿美元。
The draw of the smartphone is understandable. The alarm clock is a free feature. It’s also incredibly convenient — who doesn’t like being able to speak to their phone and say, “Wake me up at 7 a.m.”?
Many Americans do like it, and they increasingly have brought their smartphones into their bedrooms. A 2013 Facebook-sponsored study by IDC Research found that 44 percent of the people who own a smartphone said they use it as an alarm clock. That number rose to 54 percent for people 18 to 24.
很多美国人就喜欢这样做,他们越来越多地把智能手机带到卧室里。2013年一份由Facebook赞助、国际数据公司研究中心(IDC Research)进行的研究发现,拥有智能手机的人当中有44%会用它作闹钟。在18到24岁的人当中,这个比例上升到了54%。
Device makers are helping the trend along and hoping these figures rise. Most new alarm clocks made today are designed to be married to a smartphone.
This goes against years of research showing that screens, in any capacity, do everything but help us fall asleep. In 2012, the American Medical Association’s Council on Science and Public Health said that “exposure to excessive light at night, including extended use of various electronic media, can disrupt sleep or exacerbate sleep disorders.”
这和多年来的研究结果是相悖的,研究表明电子设备屏幕无论尺寸大小都是不利于我们睡着的。2012年,美国医学会(American Medical Association)的科学和公共健康委员会(Council on Science and Public Health)说,“在夜间暴露于过度的光照下,包括长时间使用各种电子媒体,会对睡眠造成干扰,或使睡眠紊乱恶化。”
Sleep researchers say that looking at a blue light, which is produced by smartphone and tablet screens, sets off brain receptors that are designed to keep us awake and interferes with circadian sleep patterns. Experimental research has found that if people use a tablet for up to two hours before bed, it takes an extra hour to fall asleep.
Orfeu M. Buxton, a neuroscientist and assistant professor in the division of sleep medicine at Harvard Medical School, said the phone in the bedroom could set off what he called “threat vigilance,” which is a type of anxiety that keeps you awake. “This means that you’re never off, you’re always watchful, which is a hallmark to insomnia,” he said.
哈佛医学院(Harvard Medical School)睡眠医学助理教授、神经科学家奥尔费乌·M·巴克斯顿(Orfeu M. Buxton)说,在卧室里用手机会触发他所说的“威胁警觉”,这是一种会让你无法入睡的焦虑。“就是说你会歇不下来,你会一直保持警觉,而这正是失眠的特征,”他说。
Teens fare the worst. Some children in middle school not only bring their phone into the bedroom but also leave the ringer on. “I have found that 10 or 15 percent of teens in middle school are hardened insomniacs that not only sleep with their cellphones on but feel they have to be responsive to intrusion, in case a friend is in need,” Mr. Buxton said.
This I know: Little good comes from looking at your phone at 3 a.m. So for now, my bedroom rule is this: No gadgets allowed.
Except my new alarm clock. It has no apps or Wi-Fi, but it wakes me up in the morning, not in the middle of the night.