They’re the clothes women love — and men hate

From clumpy flat shoes that seem to shorten a woman’s leg to voluminous cocoon coats that hide every curve of the body, there is seemingly no end to the trends which women love — but men loathe.
Indeed, styles that seem designed to put men off are so prevalent on the High Street this season that they’ve even been dubbed ‘man-repellers’.
Here, Kim Carillo, who usually favours a more alluring style of dress, tries out some of these man-unfriendly must-haves and, predictably, loves the feeling of putting comfort before style. But what does her husband Charlie have to say?
在此,经常装束诱惑的金姆·卡里洛(Kim Carillo)就试穿了几套“驱男必备”服饰,而且正如我们所料,她很中意这种舒适第一样式第二的设计风格。不过,她的老公查理先生(Charlie)对此又有何要说?
SHE SAYS: I feel surprisingly sexy in this despite the slightly voluminous, low crotched look. It’s so comfortable and brings back fond memories of a black all-in-one I used to wear for dancing back in the day. I know for a fact my husband will hate this look, but there is something fun and liberating dressing in something I know men won’t like. It makes me feel like I’m in control — almost as if I’m daring Charlie not to want me. Accessorize with a cheeky smile and you’re good to go!
HE SAYS: I would trust this person to check my oil and change a tyre, but I can’t imagine taking her out for a spin. That low-slung crotch and saggy bum aren’t doing it for me. I think I can speak for most men when I say we don’t much like this shapeless, masculine look. She looks like she’s about to jump out of a plane at 30,000 ft!