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    The Real Reason Richer People Marry


    By now it is common knowledge that professionals are more likely to marry and less likely to divorce than are less educated workers. Among 20- to 49-year-old men in 2013, 56 percent of professional, managerial and technical workers were married, compared with 31 percent of service workers, according to the American Community Survey of the Census Bureau. Some people argue that the gap is largely a result of a decline in traditional values among working-class men, particularly whites who constitute the majority of them. Supposedly they are not as industrious in seeking employment as were their fathers and grandfathers and so fail to secure the steady jobs needed for marriage.

    现在众所周知,与受教育程度较低的就业人群相比,专业人士结婚的可能性更大,离婚的可能性更小。美国人口普查局(Census Bureau)的美国社区调查(American Community Survey)数据显示,2013年20至49岁的男性中,56%的专业型、管理型和技术型职业人士已婚,而服务业从业人员的已婚者比例仅为31%。有人称,两者之间产生差距的原因主要是,工薪阶层男性,特别是在这个阶层中占多数的白人,对传统价值观的认同降低。可能他们在求职时不像父辈和祖父辈那么勤奋,所以未能找到婚姻所需要的稳定工作。

    But some digging into historical census records shows that social class differences in marriage have been tied to the extent of income inequality among white Americans for at least 130 years. They also suggest that commentators who insist that the marriage gap is wholly a matter of values are almost surely wrong.


    Census records, which have been compiled into the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series by demographers at the University of Minnesota, tell us that the current era is not the first time that the nation has experienced a large marriage gap; it is at least the second. Another instance occurred in the late 19th century. What these two eras have in common, according to the economists Claudia Goldin, Lawrence F. Katz and Robert A. Margo, is that economic inequality was high and rising during both of them.

    明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)的人口统计学家已将人口统计数据汇编进了“综合公共利用微数据系列”(Integrated Public Use Microdata Series)。这些数据告诉我们,当今时代并非美国首次出现巨大的结婚率差距,至少是第二次。另一次出现在19世纪末。克劳迪亚·戈尔丁 (Claudia Goldin)、劳伦斯·F·卡茨(Lawrence F. Katz)和罗伯特·A·马戈(Robert A. Margo)这三位经济学家认为,这两个时代的相同之处在于,经济不平等居高不下且日益加剧。

    The first marriage gap occurred between 1880 and 1910, during a period that Mark Twain labeled the Gilded Age. The growing industrial economy increased the number of managers and executives. The extension of schooling increased the demand for teachers. And the quadrupling of newspaper circulation between 1880 and 1900 increased the demand for editors and reporters. A white-collar professional class solidified its gains in the labor market and married in large numbers.

    首次出现结婚率差距是在1880年至1910年期间。那个时期被马克·吐温(Mark Twain)形容为“镀金时代”(Gilded Age)。不断发展的工业经济提高了中高层管理人员的总人数。学校教育的延长提升了对教师的需求。同时,1880年至1900年期间,报纸发行量翻了两番,扩大了对编辑和记者的需求。白领专业人士在就业市场上的收益得到了巩固,并且他们还大量走进婚姻。

    At the same time, the fortunes of independent craftsmen and artisans declined as their small shops were replaced by large factories. Younger men who would have found positions as skilled apprentices and journeymen instead became low-paid industrial or service workers, and their marriage rates were modest.


    In the past few decades, a period that some are calling the New Gilded Age, inequality has been high and rising again. Workers with bachelor’s degrees have seen their earnings far outpace those with less education. The middle of the labor market has hollowed out because of technological change. The offshoring of production has closed factory after factory. At the bottom, low-skilled service work has expanded, while at the top, an elite has captured an increasing share of income gains.


    Not coincidentally, we see high levels of marriage among young professionals today, although they may delay weddings until they have started a career.


    College-educated men and women are the privileged players in our transformed economy: They can pool two incomes and provide a solid financial foundation for a marriage. In contrast, we have seen declines in marriage among high school graduates who are stuck in the middle of the labor market, where they can no longer find the kind of steady, decently paying employment that supported their grandparents’ marriages.


    What the census data demonstrate, then, is a strong association between the level of economic inequality and the level of marriage inequality. Since 1880, the marriage gap and the earnings gap have been correlated. In periods when wages were more unequal, so were marriage rates.


    When inequality was low and stable during the prosperous post-World War II years, marriage rates were more similar and the proportions of married people reached historic high points for all groups.


    To be sure, the parallel movements of economic inequality and marriage inequality do not prove that the former causes the latter. But it is hard to look at the census figures and conclude that the state of the labor market has had nothing to do with the marriage gap among the middle class, the working class and the poor. Certainly, no one would argue that the large marriage gap during the first Gilded Age was caused by the reluctance of men to work hard. On the contrary, they labored long hours for wages so low that families were often able to subsist only by sending sons out to sell newspapers or having their daughters work as servants in other families’ homes.


    Moreover, the government social welfare programs that are often blamed for creating dependency among the poor, such as cash assistance for single parents, unemployment benefits and food stamps, did not start until the 1930s and therefore cannot be blamed for a marriage gap that existed a half-century earlier.


    Yet, even if it has not been the major determinant of class differences in who marries, cultural change has been a factor in what unmarried people are doing.


    Single men and women in the late 19th and early 20th centuries rarely lived together without marrying, and very few had children. The social norms against cohabitation and childbearing outside of marriage were strong.


    During the past few generations, these norms have weakened. It is now commonplace for unmarried young adults to cohabit and broadly acceptable for them to have children. Unlike their ancestors in the late 1800s, many of today’s working-class young adults have responded to the difficulty of marrying by living with a partner and having children outside of marriage. We would not be seeing these trends if social norms about family formation had remained unchanged — even given the recent rise in income inequality.


      上一篇:初恋让我们懂得 下一篇:养猫养狗的人性格大不同


