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    There’s mania in China right now. Stock marketmania. It’s a bull market—niu shi— and people areexcited.


    “It’s still not crazy, not crazy,” said an investmentbanker working in Beijing, who didn’t want his nameused because his bosses don’t like him talking aboutthe crazy stock market. “These days market risestoo fast,” he reflected, “but still many of my friendsthink the market is undervalued in many sectors.”


    The rally has been fast and furious. It started this summer when the state-run Xinhua newsagency started trumpeting stocks, publishing eight reports over four days about low valuations.Other state media said a strong stock market should reflect a strong China. Right on cue,stocks took off in September and have never looked back. Boosted by an interest rate cut, theShanghai market is up 25% in just the past month. It closed today at its highest level sinceNovember 2010 after gaining 50% since the summer.


    “I would argue everyone in China is a speculative trader,” says Fraser Howie, co-author of RedCapitalism who’s worked as a broker and trader in Asian markets for 15 years. “Fundamentalsmatter far less than other markets. You see this by the violence of the moves in China.” Hepoints out that nothing drastic in the outlook for China has changed: the new administration’sreform packages are just now being implemented; GDP forecasts have barely budged; thosebearish on the housing market haven’t changed their tune.

    《红色资本主义》(Red Capitalism)的作者之一弗雷泽o豪伊说:“我认为,中国股市里的每个人都在投机。” 豪伊在亚洲市场做了15年的经纪和交易工作。他指出:“基本面在中国的作用远低于其他市场。从中国股市的大起大落中就能看到这一点。” 豪伊认为,中国的前景并未出现明显变化:新一届领导人刚刚开始实施改革,对GDP的预测几乎未变,那些唱衰楼市的人依然持悲观论调。

    While the long-term outlook hasn’t changed, the stock market is up 25% in a month asinvestors get excited by gains following gains. Margin accounts using borrowed money havemultiplied, as have new stock accounts.


    Ge Tianyu is a graduate student who this month opened a margin account, allowing him todouble his bet using the brokerage’s money. He waited a little while before opening it, he says,to make sure the bull market was in full swing. He uses technical parameters when he buysstocks, and never holds them longer than three days. By the end of last week, he says he hadnotched a 50% profit. “Speculative bull markets can make maximum profits,” says the 26-year-old.


    Four decades his senior, Wang Shuying trades stocks on her Meizu phone from home inBeijing. She puts about 60% of her money in stock funds; the rest she trades herself. Shedoesn’t focus on the bigger economy, she says, as it has little effect on the stocks she buys.She sticks to the industry she knows best: nuclear. Retired from the China National NuclearCorporation, she bought 6,800 shares in SUFA Technology, Shenzhen-traded company thatmakes valves for nuclear plants. In September she paid 16.80 RMB a share; today it trades at31 RMB.


    She doesn’t think the bull market will last, but then again, she doesn’t much care: she’ll sellsome of her stock by the end of the year hoping to earn a tidy 100% profit.


    Wang Bin works for the state-owned energy giant China National Petroleum Corp., CNPC. He’sbusy with his job, but when stocks go crazy, like they have recently, he starts tuning in. Wang, 36, pays closest attention to companies aligned with China’s industrial policies, such as nuclearpower and artificial intelligence. Normally he holds stocks for half a year, but it’s not alwayseasy. A couple months ago he bought shares of Shenzhen Aotexun, an electric powerequipment firm, which have since tumbled by 10%. With the rest of the stock market rising,he’s a little miffed, but not deterred. “I think this is a field that has industrial policy support— itis no problem,” he says.


    When Western readers hear that retail investors account for 60-80% of the trading in China,they might think of the mom and pop investors portrayed at home—the grandmas investingtheir pensions, the local manager investing for his kid’s college fund.


    While a sliver of that exists in China, the author Howie has written repeatedly that the Chinesepress omits the fact that stocks are a rich person’s game in the country.


    Seventy five percent of the individual stock accounts in China have less than 100,000 yuan($16,000). The accounts with upwards of $1 million or more have a far greater push on themarket. “When you start looking at value of those bigger accounts, the small investors’ effect isnot as impressive as first appears,” he says.


    In the last bull market of 2007, when the Chinese market more than doubled in just sevenmonths, one of Howie’s colleagues at the brokerage CLSA spent a week asking everyone hecould find how they were investing. The number of those actually trading was minimal, buteveryone had a story about a friend striking it rich.


    One of the places you can find some skepticism about stocks’ recent rise, ironically enough, isthe very state-run press that earlier stoked enthusiasm. Last week Xinhua cited anonymousresearchers predicting a pullback. A copy editor at the English-language China Daily, HuangXiangyang, wrote a column wondering why China’s bull markets always seem to fizzle out soonafter they start. “Based on global experience, returns on stocks are still closely correlated withcorporate growth and innovation,” he wrote. “That may explain why bull markets in Chinanever last more than two years, compared with as many as 17 years on Wall Street.”


    Even so, he called this gold rush too good to miss. “In this market you do not have to buy andhold, as value investors are supposed to do. All you have to do is take the pulse of governmentpolicies and speculate on them.”


    Easy enough, for those able to get into the game.


      上一篇:为什么说俄罗斯经济不会崩盘 下一篇:卢布贬值 典型的货币崩盘


