查尔斯·L·道奇森(Charles L. Dodgson)希望人们记住自己在牛津担任教授期间的数学创新,而不是自己丰富多彩的个人生活,以及1865年出版的《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》(Alice’sAdventures in Wonderland)。然而,尽管他努力藏身在笔名刘易斯·卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll)之后,“爱丽丝”还是让他出了名。
For the 150th birthday of Alice, authors and curators are mining Dodgson’s correspondenceand diaries and editions of her story, which has been published in 174 languages. (An eventsand publications database is at lewiscarrollresources.net.)

Edward Wakeling, a Dodgson biographer, drew on his own collection of 23,353 documentsfor his forthcoming book “Lewis Carroll: The Man and His Circle” (I. B. Tauris). Dodgson tookabout 3,000 photos in his spare time, and a third of them will appear in a second forthcomingbook from Mr. Wakeling, “The Photographs of Lewis Carroll: A Catalogue Raisonné” (Universityof Texas Press), due this summer.
爱德华·韦克林(Edward Wakeling)是道奇森的传记作家,他在搜集了23353份文件后,写出了即将出版的《刘易斯·卡罗尔:他和他的朋友圈》(Lewis Carroll: The Man and His Circle, I.B. Tauris)一书。道奇森在空闲时间里拍了大约3000张照片,其中1/3将会出现在韦克林的下一本书《刘易斯·卡罗尔照片选》(ThePhotographs of Lewis Carroll: A Catalogue Raisonné, University of Texas Press )中,该书将于今年夏天出版。
Mr. Wakeling intends to debunk the enduring suggestion that Dodgson, who died in 1898 at65, disliked the company of adults and had an unhealthy interest in little girls. The biographydescribes lively, diverse friends including actresses, poets, dentists, judges and British royals.
Dodgson largely avoided journalists, however, which did not help his reputation.
“His rigorous attempts to protect his privacy and to shun all forms of publicity madesuccessive generations suspect he had something to hide — some dark secret,” Mr. Wakelingwrites in the new biography.
Mr. Wakeling has steadily acquired archival material. In October, at Cheffins auction house inCambridge, England, he paid about $5,100 for Dodgson’s three photos of Constance MaryPowell, a Yorkshire schoolgirl whose family was friends with the Dodgsons.
韦克林一直都在收集档案材料,10月,他在英格兰剑桥的柴芬斯拍卖会上花了5100美元买下道奇森为约克郡女学生康斯坦斯·玛丽·鲍威尔(Constance Mary Powell)拍下的三幅照片,她家与道奇森家是朋友。
Mr. Wakeling also tracks forgeries that have turned up. In 2006, a volume that Dodgson wassaid to have signed in 1876 was posted on eBay, and Mr. Wakeling declared it a fake. (It waswithdrawn.) “The clincher for me was that the person it was inscribed to, Lewis Carroll hadn’teven met yet,” he said.
On Feb. 10, memorabilia including Dodgson’s math publications and recently restored paperfilmstrips, starring Alice from the 1930s, will appear in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” anexhibition at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas, Austin. In June, the BritishLibrary will ship Dodgson’s illustrated manuscript to New York for the first time in threedecades for a show at the Morgan Library & Museum, “Alice: 150 Years of Wonderland.”And this summer, Oak Knoll Press will publish “Alice in a World of Wonderlands,” a three-volumestudy of the 7,600 editions of Dodgson’s tale.
2月10日,奥斯汀得克萨斯大学哈利·兰塞姆中心将举办“爱丽丝漫游奇境记”展览,届时将展出道奇森的作品,包括他发表的数学著作,以及新近修复的胶片,包括从20世纪30年代起拍摄的爱丽丝形象。6月,大英图书馆将把道奇森的绘画手稿运至纽约,这是30年来的头一遭,这批手稿将在摩根图书馆与博物馆的“爱丽丝:漫游奇境150年”展览中展出。今年夏天,奥克斯·克诺尔出版社将出版三卷本的《爱丽丝漫游各种奇境》(Alice in aWorld of Wonderlands),书中研究了这个故事的7600种不同版本。
The Grolier Club in New York will show various translations in the fall, borrowing from thevolumes’ general editor, Jon A. Lindseth. Mr. Lindseth’s gifts to Columbia will be shown in a fallexhibition about Alice at the university’s Rare Book & Manuscript Library. And other majorprivate collections are going on view, including loans from August and Clare Imholtz at HornbakeLibrary at the University of Maryland; Byron and Victoria Sewell at the Huntington Museum ofArt in West Virginia (with a catalog from Evertype); and Charlie Lovett at the New York PublicLibrary for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.
纽约的格罗里埃俱乐部将在今年秋天展出这本书的各种不同译本,它们由这些书的总编辑乔恩·A·林德赛斯(JonA. Lindseth)出借。林德赛斯赠给哥伦比亚大学的礼物将于今年秋天,在该校的珍本与手稿图书馆举办的爱丽丝展中展出。此外还有其他若干大型个人收藏也会对外展出,其中有马里兰大学霍恩贝克图书馆的奥古斯特与克莱尔·伊姆霍尔兹(August and Clare Imholtz)藏品展,西弗吉尼亚亨廷顿艺术馆的拜伦与维多利亚·塞维尔(Byron and Victoria Sewell)藏品展(包括一份来自艾弗泰普出版社的目录),以及查理·拉维特(CharlieLovett)在纽约公共图书馆为林肯表演艺术中心举办的活动。
Alice connoisseurs enjoy tracing her to the ends of the earth. Mr. Lindseth said in an interviewthat Mongolian, Kazakh, Tajik and Montenegrin versions were among the most challenging tofind. Mr. Imholtz said, “Today came in the mail an Esperanto translation of ‘Through the LookingGlass,’ printed in Ekaterinburg where the Czar was killed.”
爱丽丝的研究者们追溯她的踪迹,直到天涯海角。林德赛斯在采访中说,蒙古语、哈萨克语、塔吉克语和黑山语的译本是最难寻觅的。伊姆霍尔兹说,“今天我收到一份世界语译本的《爱丽丝漫游镜中世界》(Throughthe Looking Glass),它是在叶卡特琳堡印刷的,沙皇就是在那里遇刺。”
For 19th-century German-American communities, painted pages known as fraktur marked ritesof passage. In jagged calligraphy — hence the name, which derives from the Latin word forbroken — certificates celebrating births and marriages were wreathed in flowers and angels.Many of these fraktur are appearing in the next few weeks at auctions, antiques fairs andmuseum shows.
Lisa Minardi, a curator at Winterthur museum in Delaware, has worked on the exhibitions,poring through thousands of fraktur and noting the evidence that artists trying to make aliving produced them in haste. The artists charged pennies per sheet, Ms. Minardi said, andwhen they marred a page with an ink splotch or misspelling, “Sometimes they make it into alittle flower and keep going.”
特拉华州的温特瑟尔博物馆策展人丽莎·米纳迪(Lisa Minardi)已经筹办过若干展览,研究过几千份德文尖角字体印刷品,她注意到,德文尖角字体的艺术家们为了谋生,经常粗制滥造。她说,作者每制作一份作品,只收取几分钱的费用,如果他们在纸上溅上了墨水渍或拼错了单词,“有时候他们就画一朵小花遮住,糊弄过去。”
Fraktur shows will open in February and March at Winterthur, the Philadelphia Museum of Artand the Free Library of Philadelphia. Ms. Minardi’s catalog for the Philadelphia Museum show, “Drawn With Spirit: Pennsylvania German Fraktur from the Joan and Victor Johnson Collection” (Yale University Press), points out recurring motifs from practitioners who did not sign worksand have not yet been identified. They are known for now with monikers like the ExoticScenery Artist, the Color Block Artist and the Ruffled Tulip Artist.
温特瑟尔博物馆、费城艺术馆和费城自由图书馆都将在二月和三月举办德文尖角字体展。米纳迪为费城艺术馆展览撰写的目录名为:“以灵魂绘制:宾夕法尼亚德国尖角字体,来自琼与维克多·约翰逊(Joan and VictorJohnson)的收藏”(耶鲁大学出版社),她在目录中指出,某些一再重复的主题来自若干从不署名,且至今未能识别的作者们。如今人们用代号称呼他们,诸如“异国风情艺术家”、“色块艺术家”和“褶边郁金香艺术家”。
The Johnsons kept collecting even as the show and catalog were underway. Last January, theypaid about $3,800 for an 1820s fraktur painted with birds and bouquets at a Pook & Pookauction in Downingtown, Pa. The painter, Friederich Speyer, a Lutheran schoolmaster, wrote inuneven letters. Charming flaws can be detected throughout the Johnson collection: hearts andflower petals have asymmetrical lobes, and text lines slant.
直到展览和目录筹备期间,约翰逊夫妇还在继续扩充自己的收藏。去年1月,他们在宾夕法尼亚州唐宁镇的Pook & Pook拍卖会上花了3800美元,购买了一份19世纪20年代的德国尖角字体作品,上面绘有鸟儿和花束。作者弗里德里希·斯皮耶(Friederich Speyer)是一位路德会校长,使用参差不齐的字母书写。在约翰逊夫妇的藏品中可以发现种种迷人的瑕疵:心形与花瓣有着不对称的叶片,一行行文字微微歪斜。
Cara Zimmerman, an Americana specialist at Christie’s in New York, stood before a fraktur birthcertificate, for sale on Jan. 23 at the auction house (estimated at $200 to $400), with amisshapen rectangle of text and mismatched stars along the border. “It’s that freehandnature that’s so fabulous,” she said.
卡拉·齐默曼(Cara Zimmerman)是纽约佳士得的一位美国专家,1月23日,她将主持该拍卖行对一份德国尖角字体出生证的拍卖(估价200到400美元),文字呈歪曲的矩形,边框上有不协调的星星图案。“这就是这种艺术品著名的手绘特征,”她说。
The Christie’s lot had previously belonged to the folk art dealer Edith Gregor Halpert, as did anumber of the Johnson pieces. Among the other celebrated past owners of the Johnsonacquisitions are Albert Barnes, du Ponts and Rockefellers.
佳士得的拍品原本属于民间艺术交易商伊迪丝·格莱格尔·哈尔珀特(Edith Gregor Halpert),约翰逊的若干藏品也来自她那里。约翰逊的藏品中还包括来自阿尔伯特·巴恩斯(Albert Barnes)、都彭(du Ponts)和洛克菲勒等著名藏家的藏品。
Ms. Minardi will be lecturing about fraktur on Jan. 24 at the Winter Antiques Show in Manhattan.At the show, Olde Hope Antiques from New Hope, Pa., will offer fraktur painted with parrots andflowers (from $22,000 to $28,000 each) and a trio with tulips ($24,000 for the set). At theMetro Curates show, opening Jan. 22 in Manhattan, the dealer Jeff R. Bridgman from Dillsburg,Pa., is bringing fraktur with flowers, birds, hearts, suns and crowns, made for two sisters($10,500 for both fraktur). Leatherwood Antiques from Sandwich, Mass., has floral certificates($5,800 for a pair) that belonged to Edith Gregor Halpert and then Andy Warhol.
1月24日,米纳迪将在曼哈顿的冬季古玩展上就德国尖角字体做一次讲座。在这个展览上,宾夕法尼亚州新霍普的老霍普古玩馆将提供绘制着鹦鹉与花朵的德国尖角字体艺术品(每份22000美元到28000美元不等),以及一份绘有郁金香的三件套作品(一套24000美元)。在1月22日于曼哈顿开幕的Metro Curates展上,宾夕法尼亚州迪尔斯堡的艺术商杰夫·R·布里奇曼(Jeff R.Bridgman )将带来装饰着花朵、鸟儿、心形、太阳和王冠的德国尖角字体艺术品,由两姊妹制作(两份10500美元)。马萨诸塞州桑德维奇的莱塞伍德古玩馆有花朵装饰的德国尖角字体证书(5800美元两份)。它们最初属于伊迪丝·格莱格尔·哈尔珀特,后来又属于安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)。
From March 5 to 7, a fraktur symposium at the McNeil Center for Early American Studies at theUniversity of Pennsylvania will cover topics including paint formulas, botanical motifs and earlycollectors who purchased works from descendants of the original patrons.