
While I specialize in the sale of online businesses and refer to those as examples, these pointsstill apply to business sales whether offline or online. Experienced buyers will see straightthrough you and the business you are selling and will quickly pass over your offering if they seeany red flags.
1. Buyers won’t pay more for potential.
I regularly speak to business owners who believe they have a potential gold mine and expect tocommand a high selling price based on perceived potential alone. This isn’t how it works. If abusiness is simply a concept without a proven revenue stream then there isn’t any value in theeyes of the vast majority of potential buyers.
If they were interested in developing their own business from the ground up there arenumerous resources to help them get started and they would not be looking to buy somethingalready established in the first place. Buyers want to acquire something that is alreadysuccessful, not an unproven concept.
2. Buyers are interested in profits, not revenue.
2. 买家感兴趣的是利润,不是收入。
Another common misconception is that buyers are impressed with revenue figures. Sure,they can sound good, but when it comes down to it the only number that matters is the profita business turns (see last week’s column for more on why revenue is a vanity metric). Take alook at these two scenarios:
o Business A: $30,000 monthly revenue, $25,000 monthly expenses, $5,000 monthly profitand $60,000 annual profit.
o 公司A:月收入30,000美元,支出25,000美元,利润5,000美元,一年利润60,000美元。
o Business B: $10,000 monthly revenue, $1,000 monthly expenses, $9,000 monthly profit and$108,000 annual profit.
o 公司B:月收入10,000美元,支出1,000美元,利润9,000美元,一年利润108,000美元。
The monthly revenue for the first site is three times more than the second business, but theactual profit is almost half. Experienced business buyers want to see profit numbers, notrevenue.
3. Buyers expect verifiable financial claims.
3. 可检验的财务声明才符合买家预期
If you are going to claim revenue from a specific source, you need to have verifiable proof.For example, if you are selling advertising space directly, be prepared to show invoices as well asbank statements that show matching deposits. If you are generating revenue through affiliateoffers or third-party ad networks with an online business, be prepared to show deposit recordsand even access to your accounts online so both parties can see the accounts live. I adviseclients to use TeamViewer or Skype as a practical way to verify financial claims on smallerbusiness sales where using an accountant is not always practical or cost-effective.
4. Don’t live in the past.
4. 不要活在过去。
The previous success of a business is largely irrelevant at the time of sale, especially if it hasbeen struggling lately. Buyers are interested in recent performance (usually the last 12months) and future sustainability and viability, especially if you operate in a dynamic space(such as with websites). I commonly hear sellers talk about how successful their business wasin the past after a recent drop and “all it needs is a little work to get back on track”.
Unfortunately, buyers don’t see it this way. They aren’t interested in fixing and recovering yourbusiness, especially if you are expecting them to pay a premium. However, don’t be afraid toshow previous years if the business has been growing steadily. Buyers love to see growingrevenue and profit figures, especially if you have already made future plans for the businessthat seem realistic based on past performance.
5. Honesty is the best policy.
5. 诚实是最有效的策略。
The truth is going to always surface, so be upfront about everything from the beginning.Experienced investors understand that every business is going to have positives andnegatives. There is no such thing as a perfect business.
If you are honest and transparent from the start there is less risk of a deal going sourbecause the buyer uncovered something during due diligence that wasn’t accurate or aninstance where the truth was stretched. Honesty is the best policy in all business transactionsand selling any business is no different.
6. Expect to answer a lot of questions.
6. 准备好回答许多问题。
Businesses — especially those run 100 percent online — are forever becoming more popular,with so many people looking to become independent and quit their nine-to-five jobs.Consequently, it has lead to a lot of inexperienced buyers inquiring about businesses for sale,which can be a significant time drain, unless you use a broker whose job is to handlequestions and vet buyers for you. Selling yourself will lead to a lot of questions — and you needto be prepared to answer them all, regardless of how simple they may sound.
Never judge a buyer. You never know whom you are dealing with or the buying power theypossess. Someone asking what appears to be a simple question could potentially be a buyerthat is new to the specific industry and have deep pockets for investing. Experienced buyerswill often hammer the seller with questions in an attempt to turn up inconsistencies and redflags.