从陈家乐(Kalok Chan)面带稚气地从香港中文大学(CUHK)毕业,到他在2014年重返该校商学院,时间已经过去了近28年。
This time it was not as a student or even aprofessor, but as its newly appointed dean. “It waslike returning home,” says the amiable financeprofessor.

The offer of the deanship at the school was not the first time CUHK had tried to lure Prof Chanback to teach at his alma mater. “When I finished my PhD [in finance at Ohio State University] Ihad an offer from CUHK but stayed in the US,” he says. “I wanted to do serious research andUS schools provided a very good research environment. I spent six or seven years in the USbefore going back to Hong Kong.”
邀其出任商学院院长,并不是香港中文大学第一次请陈家乐重返母校。他说:“当我攻读完(俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)金融学)博士学位的时候,我就收到了香港中文大学的邀请,但我留在了美国。我想做严肃的研究,而美国商学院提供了非常好的研究环境。我在美国呆了六、七年后,才回到香港。”
It was this focus on serious academic research that informed and guided Prof Chan’sacademic career. He has an enviably long list of publications in prestigious financial journals tohis name, on esoteric topics from liquidity to trading strategies and emerging stock markets.So when he decided to return to Hong Kong it was to work at the business school at HongKong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), which had set out to attract US andEuropean-trained scholars to Hong Kong with the promise of a US-style researchenvironment.
Prof Chan admits that at the time CUHK could not compete in attracting elite scholars. It was acourse CUHK did not begin to follow until 2000, says Prof Chan. “[In] the last 10–15 yearsthings have changed bit by bit. In the old days, CUHK was more an institution focused onteaching. Now it has built a research programme and recruits faculty with strong researchinterests.”
HKUST combined its aggressive approach to recruiting internationally trained faculty, many ofwhom had ties to Hong Kong, with developing joint programmes with globally ranked schools— the Kellogg school at Northwestern University in the US is perhaps the most notable. It is astrategy that Prof Chan now hopes to implement at CUHK.
香港科技大学一方面积极招聘受过海外培训的师资(其中许多人与香港有联系),另一方面与登上全球商学院排行榜的商学院发展联合课程——美国西北大学凯洛格商学院(Northwestern University: Kellogg)或许是其中最著名的。陈家乐现在希望在香港中文大学也实施这一战略。
This global perspective is a far cry from Prof Chan’s undergraduate days at the school. “In theold days, as the name of the university implies, the medium of tuition was Chinese,” he says.Now the school’s undergraduate, masters, MBA and doctoral programmes are all taught inEnglish.
The only Chinese-language programme is the Chinese executive MBA. “We’re targeting it at theChinese executive who has not had access to an English language education but still has astrong interest in understanding the world of business,” says the dean.
But the early focus on China has brought advantages to the school, believes Prof Chan. Whileother Hong Kong schools are trying to establish links with China, CUHK already has two well-established programmes there — a masters degree in accounting taught in Shanghai and afinance MBA taught in Beijing and Shenzhen, the latter taught jointly with the prestigiousTsinghua University.
但陈家乐相信,较早把目光投向中国内地市场给该学院带来了优势。在香港其他商学院试图与中国内地建立联系之际,香港中文大学已经在中国内地有了两个成熟的项目,一个是在上海授课的会计硕士学位,另一个是与知名的清华大学(Tsinghua University)合办、在北京和深圳授课的金融MBA学位。
Now the plan is to establish relationships with business schools in the US and Europe. The aim,says Prof Chan, is to “bring together schools from the east and the west”.
The irony is that when Prof Chan was head of the finance department at HKUST he wasinstrumental in establishing one of its highest-profile joint programmes — the master ofscience in global finance, taught jointly with NYU Stern.
讽刺的是,当陈家乐担任香港科技大学金融系主任的时候,他帮助建立了该校最著名的联合课程之一——与纽约大学斯特恩商学院(NYU Stern)合作教学的环球金融学硕士课程。
Prof Chan is the first to acknowledge that establishing such programmes will be more difficultthan in “the old days”. There is strong local competition and universities from outside theregion are moving in, as they see the opportunities. “There are a lot more schools in the regionand a lot more schools with this research focus,” he says.
Many western institutions are looking for alliances in mainland China, but the CUHK deanbelieves Hong Kong has distinct advantages: the system is much more in line with that of theUS or the UK, and there is freedom in pay scales and course design. “There is a lot of politicalinfluence in education in China,” he says.
In many ways the challenges faced by Prof Chan are very similar to those faced by a dean inCanberra, Cambridge or Connecticut. The flagship MBA programme, like those almosteverywhere in the world, is under pressure. While on the topic of research, he talks ofbalancing the needs of the local community with the needs for a global research agenda, andthe debate on relevance and rigour, in much the same terms as any global business schooldean.
There is, however, one issue where Prof Chan has a clear advantage over his peers: because asubstantial chunk of the school’s funding comes from government — the four-yearundergraduate programme, for example, is free of charge to local students — and with theHong Kong economy in good health, financial support is strong.
“My priority is to improve the school and its programmes,” concludes Prof Chan. “Fundraising isnot my short-term priority.”
Kalok Chan
Following his PhD at Ohio State University, Kalok Chan worked in the US before returning toHong Kong to join Hong Kong University of Science and Technology’s finance department, ofwhich he later became head. In 2014, he moved to the Chinese University of Hong Kong, wherehe previously studied as an undergraduate, as dean of the business school.
A finance professor through and through, Prof Chan has played a role on several public bodiesin Hong Kong, including the Asian Finance Association, where he was president from 2008 to2010. He has also served on committees, including the Hang Seng Index Advisory Committeeand Hong Kong Housing Authority.
陈家乐是一名地地道道的金融学教授,他在香港的数家公共机构任职,包括从2008年到2010年在亚洲金融协会(Asian Finance Association)担任会长。他还服务于多个委员会,包括恒生指数顾问委员会(Hang SengIndex Advisory Committee)和香港房屋委员会(Hong Kong Housing Authority)。