六一儿童节祝福语:人老心不老,热情是宝;身老容不老,青春永葆;岁老天难老,爱比天高。有童心,没烦恼,六一儿童节就到,祝福把你关照, 愿你一生都做大龄儿童,天天都美!
寻童年最喜欢的颜色,装扮美丽心情;找童年最初的梦想,赋予追逐的力量;溯童年最纯真的记忆,温暖淡漠的心灵。今天就是 我们童年最爱的节日,六一儿童节,追忆美好童年,共创辉煌明天!
Under the sun butterflies fluttering all over the sky, remember that you can be in. This time playing chase? The smiling faces of naive like flowers attract butterflies away! Children's Day is approaching, you would like to spend as smile! Happy Children's Day!
Children's Day is approaching, I wish you had children: youth are not old, and maintain pure heart, has a sweet smile, a child-like skin, carefree life, have no illusions about the future and look forward to! Happy holidays!