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      In a world in which a growing proportion of thepopulation spends a growing proportion of theirlives online, politicians and policymakers pay far toolittle attention to digital demographics.


      Governments and research organisations typicallymeasure internet “access”. A 2015 Pew study, forinstance, found that 16 per cent of all US adults donot use the internet, a number that included 42 percent of over-65s but only 4 per cent of 18 to 29-year-olds. The European Commission hasmapped the EU in terms of how often residents in subregions across different EU countriesaccess the internet. As of 2009, 30 per cent of EU citizens had never used the internet at all.

      政府和研究机构一般会衡量互联网“接入”。例如,皮尤(Pew) 2015年的一项研究发现,16%的美国成年人不上网,这其中包括42%的65岁以上人群,但只有4%的18岁至29岁人群。欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)根据不同成员国各个地区居民的上网次数绘制了欧盟的情况。截至2009年,30%的欧盟公民从未使用互联网。

      Access, however, is just the beginning. Being able to get online does not measure the qualityof the experience or the ability to take advantage of it.


      What we really need to know is how fast and how reliably people are connecting to the internet— and what they are able to do once they are connected. Are they mobile users who haveaccess to strong mobile phone networks, who also have a laptop or desktop to carry out morecomplicated tasks? Or are they mobile-only users with spotty service, or members of a familyor even a village with one smartphone to be shared?


      In a study of technology and learning in low-income families, researchers from the Joan GanzCooney Center conducted a survey of 1,200 lower- and medium-income parents in the USwith children aged between 6 and 13. They found that 94 per cent of the families surveyed areconnected to the internet in some way. But 52 per cent said it is too slow; 20 per cent said theirinternet had been cut off in the past year due to lack of payment; 23 per cent of families belowthe median income had mobile internet only, and 21 per cent said that “too many people sharethe same phone for them to get the time on it they need”.

      在一项针对低收入家庭的科技和学习情况的研究中,琼甘兹库尼中心(Joan Ganz Cooney Center)的研究人员对1200对子女在6岁至13岁的美国中低收入父母展开了调查。他们发现,94%的受访家庭能够以某种方式上网。但52%的家庭表示,接入速度太慢;20%表示,过去一年里曾由于欠费而被断网;23%处于收入中值以下的家庭只能通过手机上网,而21%的受访者表示,“太多人共用一部手机,以至于无法获得他们需要的上网时间。”

      These differences affect their children’s ability to get their homework done and to keep up inschool. But the effect goes far beyond children. Low- and moderate-income mobile-onlyfamilies are 25 per cent less likely to use online banking or bill paying than their betterconnected peers and 14 per cent less likely to apply for a job online. Pew found that one inthree job seekers has had trouble entering all the information needed for a job application orsubmitting the supporting documents required to complete an application.


      Bad tools make it hard to acquire good skills. Digital literacy requires far more than simplyknowing how to get online. Do you know where to go and how to get there? Do youunderstand how to protect yourself from spammers?


      Policymakers have a tremendous opportunity if they can gather more fine-grained data aboutwho is not online and why. The Cooney Center study, for instance, found that 44 per cent ofimmigrant Hispanic parents do not use a computer at work, school or home, even occasionally— compared with 4 per cent of US-born Hispanics. A digital literacy strategy could work withimmigrant organisations both to provide access to computers and teach the necessary digitalskills.


      It is important to note, however, that being well-off does not always translate into being wellconnected. Many of the nearly 42 per cent of elderly US citizens who do not use the internetthink it is irrelevant to their lives — when it can help enormously in understanding andaddressing health problems, paying taxes and navigating government benefit programmes.


      Another Pew study found that even when controlling for all other factors, individuals living withchronic diseases and disabilities are significantly less likely to go online. Government andcommunity efforts aimed at the elderly, the ill and the disabled should therefore be focusedmore on digital access and literacy.


      This is not just about helping individual citizens. The EU’s digital strategy has concluded that ifmore citizens were digitally fluent, Europe could reduce electricity consumption, improvehealthcare, better protect cultural heritage and streamline the delivery of governmentservices.


      If we thought of the digitally poor and uneducated as a distinct social category intersectingothers, we would have a powerful new policy lever applicable to a range of social andeconomic problems.


      Unlike physical terrain, which is often hard to conquer, the digital world ought to be availableto everyone. While policies aimed at equality of digital opportunity cannot transform physicalenvironments, they can transport individuals to a different place. Digital demographics wouldhelp us to identify and classify the population of that virtual world.


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