On April 23rd, Kerione, an 18-year-old Americanteenager, was compared to a cheesecake afterposting a snap of herself wearing a red and whiteprom dress on Twitter.
The photo soon went viral and thousands jumped to the young girl's defence... by sharingselfies of themselves and comparing them to cheesecakes.
After thousands shared Kerione's photo, the hashtag #CompareYourselfToACheesecake2016was created by a young Twitter user who wanted to urge others to stand up for her.
'I've dealt with so much harassment and bullying online,' the hashtag creator Kenna Sharp, 16,told Mashable.
“对付网络骚扰和网络霸凌我是最在行的了。”这位创立话题的Kenna Sharp说道,她只有16岁。
'It's something that doesn't even phase me anymore but when somebody else is being attackedfor things they shouldn't be attacked for, I feel extremely inclined to come to their defense.'
Thousands of photos have since flooded social media with men and women comparingthemselves to cheesecakes, decadent slices of mud cake and cupcakes.