Ridiculous Break Up Excuses You Won't Believe Anyone Really Used

1. My boyfriend told me to stop wearing my Disney sweaters…I broke up with him.

2. I had to break up with my ex because he dyed his hair blonde and I realized he looked exactly like my brother.

3. After he told me he used Bing instead of Google, I knew it could never work out. You just can't trust a person like that.

4. I became aware that I needed to break up with my boyfriend after my psychic told me to.

5. She ordered weird stuff on her pizza, so I knew it wasn't going to work out.

6. I knew I had to break up with my last girlfriend because she didn't accept my koolaid addiction.

7. I broke up with a girl solely because she was a lady gaga nut.
我和一个女孩分手,就因为她是Lady Gaga的狂热粉丝。

8. I broke up with my last boyfriend primarily because he wasn't nerdy enough.

9. I broke up with a girl because she got mad when I played my ukulele.

10. I broke up with my boyfriend because he pours in milk and then the cereal. That s**t is unacceptable!