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    Before she became a photographer, Sara Bennett was a public defender, so she thought she knew something about life in prison. But as she followed four women in their transition back to freedom in New York City, she realized she had a lot to learn. The women were all convicted of murder and served between 17 and 35 years, mainly at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility in Westchester County. “I didn’t know that if a loved one dies, you’re allowed to go to the funeral but you’re shackled,” Ms. Bennett said. “I didn’t know what it meant to be ill and grow old in prison.”

    成为摄影师之前,萨拉·贝内特(Sara Bennett)曾是一名公设辩护律师,因此她觉得自己对于监狱里的生活多少有些了解。但当她开始跟拍四位女性,和她们在纽约市重新融入社会的过程后,她才意识到自己所知甚少。这些女性都曾被判定犯有谋杀罪,主要在威彻斯特县的贝德福德山惩教设施(Bedford Hills Correctional Facility)服刑,时间从17到35年都有。“我以前不知道,如果家人或者爱人去世,你可以去参加葬礼,但必须戴脚镣。” 贝内特说,“我以前不知道在监狱中生病或者老去意味着什么。”

    Ms. Bennett, 60, stopped practicing law full time more than a decade ago, and turned to photography. She accompanied the recently released women — Carol, Evelyn, Keila and Tracy, whose last names Ms. Bennett agreed not to reveal — as they found jobs and housing and reunited with family. She watched as they explored their new freedom and dealt with the lingering restrictions on it, from mandatory drug tests to curfews.


    Despite these prohibitions, the women relished the little things. “Carol basically lives on one block,” Ms. Bennett said. “She says: ‘This is great. No one is coming in and out. I can lock my door.’ ” Or as Tracy put it to her, “There are no bathtubs in prison.”


    Ms. Bennett said she hoped the series, compiled in the self-published book “Life After Life in Prison,” would prompt a re-examination of the criminal justice system, which repeatedly denied these women parole, though they had learned trades, earned degrees and had good disciplinary records in prison. “I was very specific about focusing on women convicted of murder,” she said. “I focused on people facing life sentences for violent crimes they committed a long time ago. I think that’s where we really need to focus our attention, because it’s a humanitarian issue; that’s who gets old in prison,” she added. “And they’re the ones least likely to commit crimes when they get out.”

    贝内特将作品汇编成册,自费出版了《铁窗生涯之后的生活》(Life After Life in Prison)一书。她希望这个系列能够促使人们重新审视刑事司法体系。这一体系中,女性往往很难获得保释,即便她们学会了手艺,获得了学位,并且在狱中表现良好。“我非常强调要专门关注被判谋杀罪的女性这一群体,”贝内特说,“我专注于面临无期徒刑的人,他们距离当初犯下暴力罪行已经有很长时间了。我认为这是我们最需要关注的地方,因为这是一个人道主义问题;是这些人在监狱里生活然后老去。”她补充道。“并且他们在出狱后重新犯罪的可能性是最低的。”

      上一篇:你觉得王尔德已经够毒舌了,那是因为你还没见过丘吉尔 下一篇:我们为什么不再信任专家?


