
Giventhat most little girls love to dress up as princesses, it isdifficult to imagine what might be wrong with that。
Butone author has written an entire book on how she believes thefairytale fantasies send a dangerous message。
Jennifer LHardstein is behind the recently-published Princess Recovery: AHow-To Guide to Raising Strong, Empowered Girls Who Can CreateTheir Own Happily Ever Afters。
Thechild and adolescent psychologist believes that children as youngas two are taking away unrealistic ideals from fairytale books andDisney cartoons that can affect their self esteem lateron。
Inher book, Dr Hardstein theorizes that traditionalstories like Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella promote the idea thatif a girl is pretty enough and has fancy clothes and shoes, shefind love and popularity。
Theauthor refers to this phenomenon as the 'PrincessSyndrome'。
Thesekind of messages, she says, have a huge impact on a girl'sself-confidence and make it hard for children to understand as theygrow up, that intelligence, generosity and passion are moreimportant values。
During anappearance on CBS' Early Show, Dr Hardstein explained: 'Girls aregetting this message everywhere that... what their worth is basedon is how they look and the things that they have and it's verysuperficial.'
Herbook teaches parents how to let their toddlers enjoy the Disneymovies and their teenagers watch reality figures like theKardashians while encouraging a discussion about the messagesprojected by themedia。
Speaking on theshow she said: 'Parents think their kids will understand themessages that they arebombarded with all the time and theydon't.'
Discussing theinfluence of Kardashian sisters Kim, Kourtney and Khloe, she toldthe anchors: 'They might be good examples of what we're trying notto be.'
Aswell as warning of the dangers of 'Princess Syndrome', her bookadvises parents how to guide andempower their children from anearly age。
DrHardstein warns of the influence of toys like scantily-clad Barbiedolls and teenage celebrities who might wear heavymake-up。
Sheadds that it's not just magazines, TV shows and online media thatis giving our children the wrong ideas about what is important.Aggravating the issue further, Dr Hardstein told CBS, is thedistressing reality that these days padded bras and crotchlessunderpants are available for children as young as five。
PrincessRecovery, she assures parents, will bring 'balance, confidence, andself-sufficiency into your daughter’s lifewhile giving her a modern, vibrant childhood.'