A Swedish union has set up a hotline for workers to report instances of “mansplaining” as part of a weeklong effort to raise awareness of a certain kind of condescending elocution that men use to explain to women things they already understand.
Well, actually, it’s not all men who do it, of course, but a certain kind of man. You know him: He is probably getting ready to mansplain this article to you.
The hotline, which is temporary and open to men and women, was set up by Unionen, a trade union that represents about 600,000 private-sector employees in Sweden and describes itself as the largest white-collar union in the world.
“Our objective is to contribute to awareness and start a discussion which we hope will be the first step in changing the way we treat each other and talk about each other in the workplace,” Jennie Zetterström, a union spokeswoman, said in an email on Wednesday.
“我们的目标是提高人们的意识,引发讨论,希望这会是改变我们在职场对待和谈论彼此方式的第一步,”工会发言人珍妮·塞特斯特伦(Jennie Zetterström)在周三发来的邮件中表示。
“It’s important to create awareness about how seemingly small things that we do or say add up to a larger issue.”
Between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. every day this week, members are being encouraged to phone the hotline to talk about mansplaining in their working lives. The calls will be answered by 20 men and women, who are gender experts, authors, academics and others.
“The most important thing when we consulted these people is that they have knowledge and interest in the issue,” Ms. Zetterström said. “Both women and men carrying valuable experience for such a type of activity.”
So far, Ms. Zetterström said, callers have asked for advice on speaking up when they feel run over by male colleagues, and on how to help female colleagues who are being ignored by men in their working groups.
Others have asked how to address clients or colleagues who address only the male employees — even when a woman is in charge — and how to address men who get credit for a woman’s work.
The term mansplaining — a portmanteau of “explain” and “man” — entered popular usage after the author and historian Rebecca Solnit published a 2008 essay titled “Men Explain Things to Me.” She described attending a party at which a man insisted on explaining to her a “very important book” he had heard about and did not immediately seem to absorb that she had written the book.
男式说教这个词是由“说教”(explain)和“男人”(man)两个词组合而成。在作家、历史学家丽贝卡·索尔尼(Rebecca Solnit)于2008年发表《爱说教的男人》(Men Explain Things to Me)一文后,它开始被普遍使用。丽贝卡在文中讲述了有一次参加派对时,一名男子坚持要给她介绍一本他听说过的“非常重要的书”,似乎没有立即明白那本书其实是她写的。
With a knowing roll of the eyes and a deep sigh, women — and some men — recognized the experience Ms. Solnit relayed, and a new word was born.
Just this year, a man wrote to the advice columnist Amy Dickinson to complain that she had misused the term in her response to an earlier letter. She replied that his letter contained “an almost magical dynamic”: “Others complained that I had misused the word ‘mansplaining,’ but you are the only person to mansplain while doing it.”
就在今年,一名男子给答问专栏作者埃米·迪金森(Amy Dickinson)写信,抱怨她在回复早前一封信件时滥用了这个词。她答复道,他的信里包含“一种近乎神奇的逻辑”:“也有其他人抱怨我滥用‘男式说教’这个词,但你是唯一一个在抱怨这个问题的同时又在进行男式说教的人。”
And last month, the word was featured as an answer on “Jeopardy” (the correct response was given by a male contestant, for $600).
Predictably, the hotline in Sweden has prompted a strong reaction. The Independent newspaper reported that Unionen’s Facebook page had been inundated with negative comments, “particularly from men.”
“Our intention has never been to point fingers or blame all men, our intention has simply been to spark an interest and start a debate at our work places and in society,” Ms. Zetterström said. She added that the debate had been “lively,” and said, “Of course it’s regretful if someone feels offended.”
But the union says it hopes the hotline raises awareness of gender discrimination in the workplace and, in doing so, perhaps helps to alleviate it.
“Obviously not all men subject all women to mansplaining all of the time,” wrote Peter Tai Christensen, one of the gender experts who will be manning the phone lines. “That would be an absurd assertion and not based in reality.
“显然,不是所有男人都时时刻刻对女性进行男式说教,”将负责接听热线电话的性别专家之一彼得·泰·克里斯滕森(Peter Tai Christensen)写道。“那会是十分荒唐的论断,没有现实基础。”
“But enough women are subjected to it by enough men for it to be a problem that warrants being addressed, discussed and resolved.”