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    SHANGHAI — Wang Bin looked down. A man wearing a blue skintight unitard writhed at his feet. Mr. Wang grinned. This was the moment he had been waiting for.


    So, too, had Cheng Shi. When Mr. Wang lifted the writhing man and slammed him to the floor for a three-count, it completed Mr. Cheng’s dream of watching a professional wrestler — battling in that most American of fake spectacles — who hailed from China.


    “I feel very proud and excited to see him onstage tonight, and so do all the fans,” Mr. Cheng, a 21-year-old student who makes fan videos for a Chinese audience, said before the match. He pointed at the screen of his smartphone to indicate the thousands of people watching him on his live broadcast. “We are very, very excited.”


    Looking for eyeballs and new money sources, World Wrestling Entertainment — the company that brought Hulk Hogan and Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson into American living rooms — has grand ambitions for a bigger but much more difficult market. It has started a new service live-streaming Chinese-language matches and commentary. It is also combing China’s provinces for more beefy talent like Mr. Wang.

    为了寻找眼球和新的资金来源,曾把霍克·霍肯(Hulk Hogan)和绰号“巨石”的道恩·强森[Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson]带入美国客厅的世界摔角娱乐公司(World Wrestling Entertainment,简称WWE),对一个更大但困难更多的市场野心勃勃。该公司已开始了一项新服务,播放配有中文评论的赛事直播,也正在中国各省寻找像王彬这样的壮硕人才。

    China presents formidable challenges. Entertainment names like Netflix and Rupert Murdoch have taken aim at China’s population of 1.4 billion only to run afoul of the country’s tight controls over media. Wrestling’s cartoon violence and sometimes salacious story lines could attract unwanted attention from the government. And while it has its fans, American-style wrestling-as-scripted-entertainment is largely unheard-of among mainland Chinese.

    中国市场对该公司来说是一个巨大的挑战。像Netflix和鲁伯特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch)这样的娱乐公司都已看准了中国14亿的人口,但它们也与中国对媒体的严格控制发生着冲突。摔角的卡通暴力和有时带有色情色彩的故事情节可能会吸引来自政府不必要的关注。虽然摔角有自己的粉丝,但是,作为按照剧本编排的娱乐,这种美式摔角在中国大陆还基本上没有什么观众。

    “There is no presence of product over here,” said John Cena, the square-jawed wrestler and action movie star who has learned to speak some Chinese as part of the push. By tackling the language, he added, “I’m kind of a vehicle to leverage what we’ve done.” “在这里还没有以产品的形式存在,”

    约翰·塞纳(John Cena)说,作为市场开拓努力的一部分,这位方下巴的摔角手兼动作电影明星已经学会说一些中文了。他补充说,通过解决语言问题,“我可以说是一个工具,为我们所做的事情起到杠杆作用。”

    Wrestling’s answer is to go local — and digital. Bypassing state-controlled broadcast television, it has teamed with a video-streaming company to reach fans though computers and mobile devices.


    It has also geared up efforts to introduce a new audience to the suplex, the body slam and the drop-kick. W.W.E. has hired four full-time social media directors in Shanghai to maintain local-language social media accounts for its wrestlers and executives. It is also hosting viewing parties, like one this month in the Chinese city of Guangzhou, in which locals devoured pizza and cream sodas while watching a pay-per-view wrestling match and playing the W.W.E.’s latest Xbox video game.


    Success requires exposing Chinese audiences to a new type of entertainment — a choreographed drama in which the outcome is known, though its dangers and injuries are sometimes shockingly real.


    “They’ve never really seen anything like us,” said Paul Levesque, W.W.E.’s executive in charge of talent and live events, who is also a partly retired wrestler better known as Triple H. “The athleticism is very real. The story lines and the theater part of it is where they had a hard time with the blurred line of that.”

    “他们从未看到过我们这样的东西,”WWE负责人才和直播活动的执行官保罗·莱维斯克(Paul Levesque)说,他也是以Triple H而闻名、半退休的摔角手。“这里面的运动能力是非常真实的。他们难以接受的是其中的故事情节和戏剧部分,那是让表演和比赛的界限模糊的地方。”

    To friends unfamiliar with wrestling, “I find that the shortest way to tell them is to say it’s an American version — a global version — of the kung fu novel,” said Jay Li, a longtime executive at multinational companies in China who in April joined W.W.E. as its general manager for greater China. “They get it immediately, because they immediately have a cultural connection and a mental image of what this is about.”

    对于不熟悉摔角的朋友来说,“我发现,向他们解释的最简单的方法是说那是一个美国版的、一个全球版的功夫小说,”长期担任跨国公司中国区执行官的李杰(Jay Li)说,他已于今年4月作为大中华区总经理加入了WWE。“他们马上就明白了,因为他们马上就产生了一种文化联系,脑海中就有了这是怎么一回事的概念。”

    While a lot of attention has been placed in recent years on the expansion into Hollywood of Chinese companies like Dalian Wanda, most foreign entertainment firms struggle to make comparable inroads in China. For some, like Disney, penetrating China has meant giving the Communist Party greater say over its business on the mainland.


    Sports — or something that looks like a sport — might be different. Sports enjoys thematic support from the government, which is big on hosting international events like the Olympics and promoting sports like soccer. China’s push to get soccer into schools and make the country a power in the sport has led companies to pay big sums for broadcast rights.


    “Sports has historically been underdeveloped in China and online, and a lot of players are looking for ways to monetize that,” said Vivek Couto, a founder and a director at Media Partners Asia, an industry research consultant.

    “体育运动在中国历史上一直不发达,在网络上也一样,很多人都在寻找在这方面赚钱的方法,”维韦克·库托(Vivek Couto)说,他是行业研究机构“亚洲传媒伙伴”(Media Partners Asia)的创始人和董事。

    Professional wrestling could use the eyeballs. Like other media companies, W.W.E. is grappling with the new world of cord-cutting, in which viewers drop their cable subscriptions and order shows, à la carte, via the internet.


    International viewers offer one potential growth area. They make up only about a quarter of the paid subscribers on W.W.E.’s digital subscription service, which is one of the biggest contributors to the company’s bottom line.


    As China shows, international growth isn’t always easy. In October, W.W.E. told investors it was still waiting to offer subscriptions directly to Chinese viewers.


    For now it works with a Chinese video company service called PPTV, which streams the company’s weekly flagship shows, called “SmackDown” and “RAW,” with real-time Mandarin commentary. (Suplex, in case you were wondering, translates as deshi beishuai, or “German-style back throw.”) PPTV subscriptions start at less than $3 per month, roughly a third of what W.W.E.’s own subscription service costs outside China, and include movies and other shows.


    Much rides on Mr. Wang, W.W.E.’s first mainland wrestler. The company’s social media team works to make him a star — his verified account on the Weibo social media service recently featured videos of him training at W.W.E.’s huge facility in Orlando, Fla. Seven other mainlanders, six men and one woman, will relocate to Orlando in January.


    Mr. Wang, a 22-year-old native of eastern Anhui Province, was an athlete after middle school, a member of the provincial rowing team. He later moved to Shanghai and took up sparring, and caught the attention of representatives from Inoki Genome Federation, a big Japanese wrestling and mixed martial arts promotion.

    22岁的王彬来自东部的安徽省,中学毕业后当了运动员,曾是省赛艇队队员。他后来到上海去练散打搏击,引起了Inoki Genome Federation代表的注意,那是推广摔角和混合式武术的一家日本大型团体。

    Mr. Wang spent three years in Japan before he was noticed by W.W.E. He signed a three-year development deal with the American company and started training in Orlando over the summer in preparation for his China debut.


    When the moment finally arrived in Shanghai in September, Mr. Wang entered the arena to modern Chinese music. He gave the crowd a traditional Chinese, kung fu-style greeting, pressing his right fist into his left palm.


    His opponent, a wrestler named Bo Dallas, was booed by the Shanghai crowd before Mr. Wang tossed him to the mat, pinning him in a three-count on the second try.

    他的对手是一个名叫博·达拉斯的摔角手(Bo Dallas),上海观众对他报以嘘声。之后,王彬把对手摔在了垫子上,并在第二次摔倒对手后将其压住了,直到数到三。

    Mr. Wang doesn’t yet have a defined act or character, or even a flashy name. One of the oldest such personas in W.W.E.-style wrestling is the foreign heel, or bad guy; those include personas like Mr. Fuji, a Japanese villain played by Harry Fujiwara.

    王彬还没有一个明确的戏码或角色要演,甚至也没有一个花哨的名字。WWE式摔角中最古老这类角色之一是外国浑蛋或坏人,包括比如像佐藤哈利(Harry Fujiwara)扮演的富士先生这种角色。

    In an interview, Mr. Wang said he wasn’t a big believer in appealing to such nationalistic tropes.


    “People shouldn’t see you for your nationality or ethnic group,” he said. “It’s less about that and more about what you can do, personally, as a warrior and a figure in the ring.”


      上一篇:福来莎百货在南京开设首家中国门店 下一篇:基因研究:英国白蜡树对枯梢病抵抗力较强


