Despite recent efforts by companies to recruit more women into the C-Suite, fewer women choose to pursue a post-graduate business degree compared with men. Out of my 327 peers at the University of Oxford’s Said Business School, for example, 36 per cent are female. And yet, while that number may seem low to some, it is still higher than other European MBA programmes. Workplace equality may have progressed over the past few decades, but the gendered workforce and misguided expectations on women persist.
即便近来企业努力聘用更多的女高管,但相较男性,选择攻读商科研究生学位的女性要少得多。例如,我在牛津大学(University of Oxford)赛德商学院(Said Business School)的327名同学中,女性只占36%。然而,虽然这个比例在一些人看来也许并不高,但这仍旧超过了欧洲其他院校的MBA课程。近几十年来职场性别平等或许有所进步,但是人们依然有区别地对待男女员工以及对女性抱着具有误导性的期望。
It seems intuitive to assume that one would be praised for working hard at one’s job while taking the initiative to earn a second degree. But as a young woman, I still encounter negativity for making my academic and career choices. Friends, co-workers, and family all ask why I have not settled down in one place to start a family? Why return to school for my second master’s degree?
I am committed to a successful career, yet I am often made to feel that such a decision is selfish. A female classmate and close friend of mine worked in London at the head office of a large bank, where she had been vocal about not wanting to get married or have children. Because of these choices she often experienced disdain when discussing her future, especially with other women.
One evening we were having drinks after a debate at the Oxford Union when the topic of female leaders came up. The union has been around since 1823 and has hosted world leaders from Albert Einstein to Mother Theresa, and even Michael Jackson. The union bar, adorned with pictures of many of those faces, made for the perfect setting for us to discuss our aspirations and our sacrifices as future female leaders in the workforce.
一天晚上,在牛津辩论社(Oxford Union)的一场辩论结束后,大家聚在一起喝酒,聊起了女性当领导的话题。这个社团成立于1823年,许多世界名人来过这里,从阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)到特蕾莎修女(Mother Theresa),甚至还有迈克尔•杰克逊(Michael Jackson)。辩论社的酒吧里,布置着很多这些名人的照片,营造了一种绝佳的氛围,让我们可能畅所欲言,谈论自己想要成为职场女领导的抱负以及将要为此做出的牺牲。
The sentiment was echoed at a recent dinner party with other female Oxford MBA’ers, who admitted they opted to do the business qualification as a means to gain professional credibility that they lacked due not to ability or intellect, but to gender. While it is illegal, we have been asked in job interviews if we had a boyfriend or a family of our own – an indirect question to see if we were a maternity leave risk.
My friend sees the MBA as a way to buy some time on our resumés – if employers see that we have just invested quite a bit of time and money into an extra degree, then they may not jump to the conclusion that all we want to do is have children. We may not be a “risk factor” because we are seen to be prioritising our careers.
The boys’ club will not dissolve overnight. But I hope as more women excel in the workplace and as the number of women earning their business degrees increases – by choice and not by necessity – the discourse will shift from that of surprise and judgment to that of praise and encouragement.