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    In the past few years, a number of predictions have declared the end of the beard. “Sorry guys, beards are over,” said the website Mashable. “Beards Aren’t Cool Anymore,” said Vice.


    But beards are still here — at the Oscars, parading down catwalks and on regular guys. Could it be that beards are more than a fashion statement?



    Science suggests that facial hair — from scruffy day-old stubble to full Grizzly Adams — is imbued with social messages, and can play a significant role in a man’s love life.

    最近的科学研究表明,面部毛发——从刚长出一天的不甚整齐的胡茬,到灰熊亚当斯(Grizzly Adams)式的大胡子——都饱含社会讯息,会在一个男人的爱情生活中发挥重要作用。

    Last year, researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia decided to explore male facial hair to determine what role, if any, beards play in sexual attractiveness, masculinity and short- and long-term relationships.

    去年,澳大利亚昆士兰大学(University of Queensland)的研究人员决意探究男性的面部毛发,以确定络腮胡对性吸引力、男子气概以及短期和长期关系是否有影响,或者有哪些影响。

    The team gathered data from 8,520 women, who were divided among three groups. Each group of women was shown pictures of men with varying degrees of facial hair. The images, which had been manipulated by the research team to show the same men more or less bearded, showed the men with clean shaven faces, light stubble (five days of growth) heavy stubble (10 days of growth) and a thick beard representing about one month of growth.


    Next, each group of women was asked to mull a different question about the man’s sex appeal.


    The first group rated the men’s beardless-to-bearded faces for overall sexual attractiveness.


    The second group also rated the photos, but this time they were asked to score the pictures based on short-term attractiveness: Which of the men seemed most desirable for a fling or a one-night stand?


    The third group rated the men in the photos as long-term prospects: Which of the men had a face that suggested he might be a good candidate for marriage and commitment?


    The answers, which were published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, varied depending on what the woman was looking for. Overall, the women said the sexiest men were those sporting heavy stubble, followed by short stubble. Men with full beards and clean-shaven men were rated the lowest on the overall sexiness scale.

    发表在《演化生物学杂志》(Journal of Evolutionary Biology)上的答案,因女性所追寻的目标的差异而各不不同。总体而言,女性认为,最性感的是那些蓄有厚厚胡茬的男性。蓄着大胡子以及把脸刮得干干静静的男性总体性感程度的分值最低。

    What kind of man is most attractive to a woman looking for a short-term fling or one-night stand? Men with light stubble won that contest, closely followed by men with heavier stubble, suggesting that the scruffy look appeals to women looking for fun, but not commitment.


    But when it came to choosing a long-term partner, a guy with whom a woman could have babies or settle in for the duration, the more facial hair the better. Men with heavy stubble and full beards were the clear winners on this question, suggesting that men who are ready to commit might do better if they shave less often.


    The authors of the study theorize that for women who are looking for a long-term mate, beardedness may be more attractive as it “indicates a male’s ability to compete for resources.”


    Barnaby Dixson, a human behavioral ecologist at the University of Queensland and a co-author of the beard length study, has been researching mate preferences for a decade. He explains that both sexes judge men with beards as older and more masculine, and describe them as generous, sincere, industrious and self-confident.

    昆士兰大学人类行为生态学专家巴纳比·迪克森(Barnaby Dixson)是这篇关于胡子长度的论文的共同作者,致力于配偶偏好研究已有十年之久。他解释说,男人和女人都会判定蓄络腮胡的男人年纪更大,也更有男子气概,并以慷慨、真诚、勤勉和自信来描绘他们。

    But Dr. Dixson, who sports a full beard, says research has also found that facial hair is associated with some antisocial traits, such as aggression and social dominance. While these traits might not be pleasant if you’re looking for a fun fling, they might be alluring if you want an alpha male to support your family and fend off predators.


    It’s not just women who prefer bearded alpha males — men also prefer men with facial hair.


    Dr. Dixson and colleagues asked 1,577 men and women from Brazil and the Czech Republic about facial hair. Compared to heterosexual women, gay men had stronger preferences for men with more facial hair.


    “Homosexual men preferred hairier stimuli than heterosexual women, supporting past findings that homosexual men have strong preferences for masculine traits,” the authors reported.


    Brazilians preferred bigger beards than Czechs. Homosexual men preferred men with beards similar to their own. Czech women preferred men with beards that were similar to the beards their fathers had during their childhood.


    The study, published in March in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, also found that men often preferred thicker facial hair than their real partners actually had. The authors noted that the fact that people don’t end up with their “ideal” — at least in terms of his beard — may be because their ideal is not readily available, so they “compromise.”

    3月发表在《进化和人类行为》(Evolution and Human Behavior)期刊上的这项研究还发现,男性更喜欢的胡子,通常比他们现实生活中伴侣实际蓄的胡子更浓密。文章作者指出,人们最终不会得到“理想”的结果——至少就胡子而言——这个事实,也许是因为他们的理想不容易实现,因此他们“妥协了”。

    Not every man can grow a beard naturally. More men with hairless faces have begun seeking hair transplants, according to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. In 2014, the latest year for which data are available, 13,956 men around the world had hair transplants to enhance their beards, up from 4,707 in 2012. More than 3,100 of the men were in the United States. Beard transplants are most popular in Asian countries, where nearly 4,200 men had the treatment in 2014.

    并不是所有男性都能自然地蓄胡须。据国际毛发修复外科协会(International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery)称,因为脸上没有胡子而开始寻求胡须移植的男性增加。2012年,全球4707名男性接受了胡须移植手术,以增加胡子,而到了2014年,这个数字上升至13956人。这是距今最近的数据。这些男性中超过3100人是美国人。胡须移植手术在亚洲国家颇受欢迎。2014年,亚洲有近4200名男性接受了移植手术。

    Whether men choose to grow beards may also depend on the context in which they live. A 2016 study found that beards are more common in crowded cities where average incomes are lower. In this environment, where money is scarce and there is more competition for mates, men may feel they need to ramp up their masculinity. On the flip side, “when competition in the social environment is reduced and the need to signal dominance is of less importance, men may dial down their masculinity through shaving or grooming their beards,” Dr. Dixson wrote in an email. Which may be why beards seem to be less common in the less populated suburbs.


    Another factor that influences whether men decide to grow some stubble is the frequency of beardedness around them. “When beardedness becomes too common, it is less attractive than when it is rare,” Dr. Dixson wrote. “This may explain why fashions and trends in beardedness fluctuate over time.”


    Christopher Oldstone-Moore, author of the 2015 book “Of Beards and Men: The Revealing History of Facial Hair,” maintains that history more than biology establishes meanings for facial hair. “I wonder if the positive effects of beards are a matter of the current cultural preference for beards, and perhaps the idea that bearded men are more mature, confident and reliable is because that is what we are tending to associate with beards these days,” Dr. Oldstone-Moore, a senior lecturer at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, wrote in an email. “Whenever masculinity is redefined facial hairstyles change to suit.”

    2015年的著作《关于胡子和男人:揭露真相的胡子历史》的作者克里斯托弗·奥德斯通-莫尔(Christopher Oldstone-Moore)坚持认为,历史比生物学更多地证明了胡子的意义。“我想知道胡子的积极作用是不是当前的胡子文化偏好问题,而认为有胡子的男人更加成熟、自信和可靠的观点,或许是因为这是我们现在倾向于和胡子联系在一起的特征,”在俄亥俄州代顿的莱特州立大学(Wright State University)担任高级讲师的奥德斯通-莫尔在电子邮件中写道。“无论什么时候,只要男子气概的定义变了,胡须的样式就会相应地跟着有所改变。”

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