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    Rachel Ginsberg is a clinical psychologist at the NewYork-Presbyterian Youth Anxiety Center, a research and clinical program that brings together experts from NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University Medical Center and Weill Cornell Medicine. She is part of its Launching Emerging Adults Program aimed at teenagers and young adults.

    瑞秋·金斯伯格(Rachel Ginsberg)是纽约-长老会青年焦虑防治中心(NewYork-Presbyterian Youth Anxiety Center)的临床心理学家,该中心是来自纽约-长老会医院、哥伦比亚大学医学中心(Columbia University Medical Center)和威尔·康奈尔医学院(Weill Cornell Medicine)的专家创建的研究和临床项目。她参与了面向少年与青年的“跃向成年阶段项目”(Launching Emerging Adults Program)。

    Dr. Ginsberg works with clients on lack of emotional readiness and academic and “adulting” skills, as well as on social anxiety — issues that can become more apparent in college and can lead to students’ lives’ unraveling.


    So how can a person develop these skills? Below is a list of “exposure tasks” to help students develop strategies for coping with possible challenges and “assertively get their needs met, or manage circumstances that do not go the way that they wished,” Dr. Ginsberg said.


    Some of these tasks may seem oddly fundamental, and they aren’t all relevant to everyone. For example, Dr. Ginsberg may ask a perfectionist to turn in an imperfect assignment, she said, “so that they learn to tolerate the anxiety — that it was not so bad after all, that the outcome does not define them and that the incident did not propel catastrophic consequences, as they might have predicted.”


    For people wary of speaking to classmates or professors for fear of being embarrassed or judged as stupid, she might suggest that they place an order at a restaurant and then change it.


    “These tasks help them validate themselves and not be scared to ask for what they want,” Dr. Ginsberg said. “In essence, these tasks help to shrink anxiety and avoidance down to size.”


    Emotional Readiness Challenges


    • Identify what you’re feeling and communicate it to others.

    • 认清你的感受,并就此和他人沟通。

    • Delay gratification and complete a less preferred task first.

    • 延缓成就感,先完成自己没那么喜欢的练习。

    • Practice “making room” for imperfection by turning in an imperfect assignment.

    • 通过上交不完美的作业,练习为瑕疵“腾出空间”。

    • Email your teacher or professor to clarify something on your own.

    • 给你的老师或教授写电邮,自己澄清一些事情。

    • Raise your hand in class and, when called on, start your sentence with “I’m having trouble understanding. …”

    • 上课时举手,被叫到时,首先说“我不太能够理解……”

    • Order food and then change your order.

    • 在餐馆点菜,然后改变自己的选择。

    • Approach a group of similar-age peers and ask them a question.

    • 走向一群年龄相仿的人,问他们一个问题。

    Academic Readiness Challenges


    • Adhere to a schedule consistently.

    • 坚持执行一个日程安排。

    • Ask for help with or clarification on an assignment or test material.

    • 就一份作业或考试材料寻求帮助或澄清。

    • Walk into a class that’s already begun, rather than skipping it because you were running late.

    • 走进一个已经开始上课的教室,不要因为迟到而旷课。

    • Speak to your teacher or professor after class.

    • 课后与你的老师或教授交谈。

    • Make a phone call and ask basic (including “obvious” or “awkward”) questions.

    • 打一个电话,问基本的(包括“浅显的”或“尴尬的”)问题。

    • Call and make your own doctor and dentist appointments.

    • 自己打电话预约医生和牙医。

    Daily Functioning ‘Adulting’ Challenges


    • Make your bed daily. • 每天给自己铺床。

    • Clean your room on your own. • 自己打扫房间。

    • Regulate your sleep by sleeping seven to eight hours a night, and going to bed and waking up at decent hours.

    • 保证规律的睡眠,每晚睡七到八小时,早睡早起。

    • Cook three basic meals. (Eggs, cereal and pasta don’t count.)

    • 做三顿便饭。(鸡蛋、麦片和意面不算。)

    • Return something to a store. • 把某件商品退给商店。

    • Get up on your own with an alarm.

    · 靠着闹钟自己起床。

    • Know the basics of finance (paying bills, writing checks and so on).

    • 掌握基本的财务技能(支付账单、写支票等等)。

      上一篇:美国高校为吸引留学生 将“学院”改名为“大学” 下一篇:这个气候变化的恶果会让你夜不能寐


