A serious counterweight to habitual protectionists in France, Italy and elsewhere is much to be desired. Although the EU is embarking on a series of bilateral trade agreements with the likes of Mercosur, the South American customs union, as well as Australia and New Zealand, it is also showing disturbing signs of keeping out foreign goods, services and capital.
An early test has come in the form of proposals pushed by Emmanuel Macron, France’s president, for an EU-wide system of screening, and if necessary blocking, takeovers from outside the EU. The rationale is national security, but the mechanism is open to more powerful countries such as France protecting their companies by deterring competitive producers from setting up shop in smaller nations.
一个初步的考验,就是法国总统埃马纽埃尔•马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)倡导的提议。他主张建立一个适用于全欧盟范围的机制,用于筛查——如有必要还可以阻止——来自欧盟以外的收购。其理由是国家安全,但该机制将令法国等较强大的国家可以通过阻止有竞争力的生产商在小国开展业务来保护本国公司。
Finland, a member of the free-trading Nordic bloc that has generally sided with the UK, has correctly pushed back against the proposals, saying they needlessly risk setting off international conflict over trade. On this particular occasion, there is a good chance sense will prevail. A group of peripheral countries including Portugal and Greece, each in need of foreign investment to boost their productive capacity, are joining forces with Nordic countries and the Netherlands to water down the proposals.
In the future, however, assembling such coalitions may be more difficult. More usually, the Mediterranean countries, with uncompetitive manufacturing companies to defend from foreign competition, are part of the protectionist faction among the member states.
A key moment came in the past couple of years when it became clear that Germany, traditionally the swing voter among the member states on trade issues, was shifting towards the protectionist camp. Berlin has supported, for example, changes to the EU’s trade defence measures such as anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties that will give greater leeway to the EU authorities to tax imports as they see fit.
And there are issues that go well beyond the traditional subjects of beleaguered manufacturing industries in sectors such as steel, or even newer trade battlegrounds such as solar cell technology. Measures to prevent the cross-border flow of data have proliferated across the EU, retarding or even reversing international trade in services. The EU desperately needs a heavyweight member state prepared to stand up and fight for free flows of data, goods, capital and people.
In the absence of same, the European Commission needs to be very careful about its role. In the investment debate, keen to centralise power it leapt too quickly towards backing an EU-wide screening mechanism.
如果没有这样的国家,欧盟委员会(European Commission)必须非常谨慎地对待自己的角色。在关于投资的争论中,由于渴望集中权力,它过于迅速地转向了支持建立一种全欧盟适用的投资筛查机制。
The commission has always had to tread a line between placating both the more protectionist and the more liberalising states. With the UK departing and Germany shifting, that positioning will become more delicate and the risks from erring on the protectionist side will be higher. The commission may pride itself on signing new trade deals around the world, but it also needs to help keep borders open at home.
The EU is striking an optimistic tone on trade and investment. But its confidence belies the fact that some of its initiatives are more to do with restricting trade than expanding it. Activism is not enough. It needs to be animated by the free-market orientation for which the UK and its Nordic allies have traditionally been known.