After all, it presented a very different image of the president than had most of his previous snaps. It is unlike the portrait that had often been used in the past few months on Mr. Trump’s Twitter profile, showing the president with a fearsome “You’re fired!” look on his face, and unlike the one on his White House Twitter account, in which his hands are clasped and he has a look of deep concern.
The portrait, taken by the White House photographer Shealah Craighead, is also unlike the highly airbrushed official portrait of Mr. Trump's wife, Melania, which was released in April and features a Sphinx-like first lady, albeit with a soft focus. It does not include his trademark red tie (like the one he wore at his inauguration), nor a “Make America Great Again” baseball cap.
由白宫摄影师希拉·克雷格黑德(Shealah Craighead)操刀的这张照片,也不同于4月公布的特朗普之妻梅拉尼娅(Melania)的官方标准照。在经过大量修饰后的照片中,这位第一夫人在柔焦镜头下神秘莫测。在这张官方肖像照中,特朗普没有系他标志性的红领带(比如他在就职仪式上系的那条),也没有戴写着“让美国恢复伟大荣光”(Make America Great Again)的棒球帽。
It does not remotely resemble the famous portrait of Winston Churchill — you know, the one taken by Yousuf Karsh in 1941, in which the former prime minister of Britain is scowling, with one hand on hip — who, The New York Times reported in March, was Mr. Trump’s model of choice.
它一点都不像温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)那张著名的肖像照。大家知道吧,就是优素福·卡什(Yousuf Karsh)在1941年拍的那张。照片中,这位英国前首相怒气冲冲,单手叉腰。据《纽约时报》3月报道,那是特朗普选的样板。
Instead, it depicts Mr. Trump in front of the de rigueur American flag, in a navy suit with flag pin, white shirt, patterned blue tie — and big grin. The orange glow has been toned down, but it is the smile that really sticks out. It almost looks as if he’s being tickled. The word chortle comes to mind.
That the president and his team chose this image of benign cheer to adorn government offices across the country and to represent his administration is pretty striking, not simply because it seems to suggest “Hey, I’m enjoying this gig” or because it is counter to so much of Mr. Trump’s usual threatening, fight-picking, wall-building posturing. It is also something of an anomaly in the presidential portrait continuum, where the exhibition of restrained gravitas often seems to be the overriding imperative.
This generally means folded arms, and a sort-of smile. Occasionally, teeth are involved, but even then, the glee is measured.
The first official portrait of Barack Obama, for example, in 2009, featured the then-president looking seriously at the camera, the sides of his mouth just beginning to quirk upward — more of a suggestion of a smile than an actual one. In 2013, for his second term, his portrait showed him looking pretty cheerful, but posing in front of his desk with arms crossed.
比如,在2009年公布的贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)第一张官方肖像中,时任总统的他严肃地看着镜头,嘴角刚要上扬——更多的是露出笑的迹象,而不是真正的笑。在2013年第二个任期的肖像照中,他看上去很高兴,但也是双臂交叉站在办公桌前。
His predecessor, George W. Bush, had his photo taken in the Roosevelt Room, and while his eyes were crinkled genially, his smile was contained.
他的前任乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)的官方肖像照是在罗斯福厅(Roosevelt Room)拍摄的。照片中,布什和蔼可亲地眯缝着双眼,笑容克制。
That it took Mr. Trump, who was known to choose his own photos during the campaign, and his team so long to settle on the smiley image suggests a deliberate choice, especially for an administration where appearance has always been part of the calculus (all those “central casting” generals).
Which either means we’re about to see a new side of the man, or that he’s trying to hedge his bets. Trick or treat?