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    The best in picture books, middle grade and young adult fiction and nonfiction, selected by the children’s books editor of The New York Times Book Review.

    《纽约时报书评》(The New York Times Book Review)的儿童读物编辑们挑选的本年度最佳绘本、中级读物,以及适合青少年的虚构和非虚构类图书。

    Picture Books

    绘本(Picture Books)

    AFTER THE FALL: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again. Written and illustrated by Dan Santat. (Roaring Brook, $17.99.) The Caldecott Medalist Santat offers a surprising and inspirational answer to the question, what if the shattered Humpty Dumpty decided to pull himself together and get back up on that wall?

    《摔下来之后:汉普蒂邓普蒂是怎样再爬上墙的》(AFTER THE FALL: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again)。由Dan Santat编写绘画。(Roaring Brook出版,定价17.99美元)。凯迪克(Caldecott)奖获得者Santat为这个问题提供了一个出人意料且鼓舞人心的答案,如果摔碎了的汉普蒂邓普蒂(Humpty Dumpty)决定自己振作起来,重新爬上那堵墙,又会怎么样呢?

    GOOD NIGHT, PLANET. Written and illustrated by Liniers. (Toon Books; $12.95.) A little girl drifts off to sleep, but her stuffed rabbit heads out for a night of adventure in this comics-style book that’s both tender and exhilarating.

    《晚安,地球》(GOOD NIGHT, PLANET)。由Liniers编写绘画。(Toon Books出版,定价12.95美元)。随着小女孩进入梦乡,她的毛绒玩具兔子出门度过了一个冒险之夜,这本漫画风格的书既温柔又令人兴奋。

    HEY, BOY. By Ben Strouse. Illustrated by Jennifer Phelan. (Margaret K. McElderry Books, $15.99). This emotionally resonant, retro-style debut about a boy and the dog who moves in and out of his life is “sure to be a book worth revisiting,” our reviewer, Tom Lichtenheld, said.

    《嘿,男孩》(HEY, BOY)。由Ben Strouse编写、Jennifer Phelan绘画。(Margaret K. McElderry Books出版,定价15.99美元)。这本引起感情共鸣的、复古风格的首次亮相图书讲述了一个男孩和不时出现在他生活中的狗的故事,“必定是一本值得重温的书,”我们的评论家Tom Lichtenheld说。

    THE LITTLE RED CAT WHO RAN AWAY AND LEARNED HIS ABC’S (THE HARD WAY). Written and illustrated by Patrick McDonnell. (Little, Brown, $17.99.) It’s an alphabet book, but it’s also much more: a wordless, witty and wonderful story of a runaway cat and his pursuers, including an alligator, a chicken and a dragon.

    《那只离家出走、(用笨办法)学会了字母表的小红猫》(THE LITTLE RED CAT WHO RAN AWAY AND LEARNED HIS ABC’S [THE HARD WAY])。由Patrick McDonnell编写绘画。(Little,Brown出版,定价17.99美元)。这是一本字母表书,但内容丰富:书中虽然没有单词,但诙谐且精彩地讲述了一只离家出走的猫及其追寻者,包括一只鳄鱼、一只鸡和一条龙的故事。

    MY BEAUTIFUL BIRDS. Written and illustrated by Suzanne Del Rizzo. (Pajama Press, $17.95.) With lovely, unusual mixed media art and a hopeful story, Del Rizzo finds an approachable way to tell the story of a boy forced to flee his home during war, who finds healing and a new friend through caring for birds.

    《我的美丽的小鸟》(MY BEAUTIFUL BIRDS)。由Suzanne Del Rizzo编写绘画。(Pajama Press出版,定价17.95美元)。作者用可爱的、不一般的混合媒体艺术,以及一个充满希望的故事,找到了一个令人易解的讲故事方式,讲述了一名在战争中被迫逃离家园的男孩,通过照顾小鸟来愈合自己的感情创伤和交新朋友的故事。

    TOWN IS BY THE SEA. By Joanne Schwartz. Illustrated by Sydney Smith. (Groundwood, $19.95.) With simple, powerful language and stunning art, this quietly devastating book evokes a seaside community of Cape Breton miners and their families through the voice of a boy who knows he will follow his father’s path.

    《海边小镇》(TOWN IS BY THE SEA)。由Joanne Schwartz编写、Sydney Smith绘图。(Groundwood出版,定价19.95美元)。本书用简单、有力的语言和绝妙的艺术,以一个男孩的口吻平静地讲述了海边小镇布里顿角的矿工们及其家庭的令人心碎的故事,这个男孩知道父亲的现在就是自己的未来。

    WELCOME: A MO WILLEMS GUIDE FOR NEW ARRIVALS. Written and illustrated by Mo Willems. (Hyperion, $15.99.) The inimitable Willems’s unclassifiable new book is a funny, profound guide to navigating the highs and lows of being a person on Earth, aimed at everyone from newborns to grandparents.

    《欢迎:MO WILLEMS的新来者指南》(WELCOME: A MO WILLEMS GUIDE FOR NEW ARRIVALS)。由Mo Willems编写绘画。(Hyperion出版,定价15.99美元)。Willems这本无法仿效、无法分类的新书,是一本既有趣又深刻的指南,它告诉人如何找到在地球上生活的正确方法,从新生儿到祖父母皆宜。

    THE WOLF, THE DUCK & THE MOUSE. By Mac Barnett. Illustrated by Jon Klassen. (Candlewick, $17.99.) The latest from this award-winning team is a darkly funny tale of friendship, escape and making the best of things, set mostly in the belly of a wolf.

    《狼、鸭子和老鼠》(THE WOLF, THE DUCK & THE MOUSE)。由Barnett Mac编写、Jon Klassen绘图。(Candlewich出版,定价17.99美元)。这两位获奖合作者的最新作品讲述了一个友谊、逃跑,以及在不利情况下尽力而为的黑色幽默故事,故事大多发生在狼的肚子里。

    Middle Grade

    中级(Middle Grade)

    ALL’S FAIRE IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. Written and illustrated by Victoria Jamieson. (Dial, $12.99.) “I dub thee brilliant,” our reviewer, Marjorie Ingall, said of this graphic novel about a girl just starting middle school, whose family works at a Renaissance faire.

    《中学文艺复兴节》(All’s Faire In Middle School)。维多利亚·詹米森(Victoria Jamieson)撰写、绘图(Dial出版社,12.99美元)。“愚以为,这书太赞了,”我们的书评人玛乔丽·英戈尔(Marjorie Ingall)在谈起这部图画小说时说。它讲述的是一个刚开始上中学的女孩的故事,她的家人在一个文艺复兴集会上工作。

    BRONZE AND SUNFLOWER. By Cao Wenxuan. Translated by Helen Wang. (Candlewick, $16.99.)The great Chinese author’s moving novel—his first to be translated into English—features an unlikely pair of friends, one mute, one orphaned, who help each other through tough times in rural China.

    《青铜葵花》(Bronze And Sunflower)。曹文轩著,王海伦(Helen Wang)译(Candlewick出版社,16.99美元)。这部感人的小说是这位杰出的中国作家的作品首次被译成英文,讲述的是一对不可思议的朋友,一个是哑巴,一个是孤儿,他们在中国农村互相帮助,度过艰难的岁月。

    FISH GIRL. By Donna Jo Napoli. Illustrated by David Wiesner. (Clarion, $17.99.) In this beguiling graphic novel, a girl befriends and rescues a mermaid who has been held captive and forced to perform in an aquatic show by a sinister impresario.

    《鱼女孩》(Fish Girl)。唐娜·乔·纳波利(Donna Jo Napoli)著,戴维·威斯纳(David Wiesner)绘图(Clarion出版社,17.99美元)。在这部令人着迷的图画小说中,一条被捕获的美人鱼在邪恶的演出经理逼迫下,在一个水族馆里表演。一个女孩跟她交上了朋友,并且搭救了她。

    PATINA. By Jason Reynolds. (Atheneum, $$16.99.) The second book in Reynolds’ engrossing and big-hearted series about the members of a track team focuses on a speed-demon girl who outruns challenges on the track and at home.

    《帕蒂娜》(Patina)。杰森·雷诺兹(Jason Reynolds)著(Atheneum出版社,16.99美元)。这本书是雷诺兹充满趣味与良善的田径队系列的第二部,讲述了一个跑步飞快的女孩在赛道上和家里克服挑战的故事。

    REFUGEE. By Alan Gratz. (Scholastic, $16.99.) Gratz weaves together three separate stories of refugees on the run, finding the ingredients of a taut thriller in all of them while reminding us of the universality of refugees’ plight.

    《难民》(Refugee)。艾伦·格拉茨(Alan Gratz)著(Scholastic出版社,16.99美元)。格拉茨将三个独立的关于流亡难民的故事交织在一起,所有的故事都有惊悚片的成分,同时提醒我们难民的整体困境。

    THE STARS BENEATH OUR FEET. By David Barclay Moore. (Knopf, $16.99.) This sparkling debut is about a grieving Harlem boy who’s lost his older brother and finds in friendship and competitive Lego building a path away from the lure of gangs.

    《我们脚下的星星》(The Stars Beneath Our Feet)。戴维·巴克雷(David Barclay)著(克诺夫出版社,16.99美元)。这部耀眼的处女作讲的是一个悲伤的哈莱姆区男孩,他失去了哥哥,在友谊以及乐高搭建竞赛中找到了一条远离帮派诱惑的道路。

    TUMBLE & BLUE. By Cassie Beasley. (Dial, $17.99.) A boy and his new friend head out on a quest to escape a family curse that runs through generations in this exuberant, heartfelt fantasy set mostly in an alligator-filled Georgia swamp.

    《坦布尔和布鲁》(Tumble & Blue)。卡西·比斯利(Cassie Beasley)著(Dial出版社,17.99美元)。这部热情洋溢、感人肺腑的幻想小说主要以一片满是鳄鱼的乔治亚沼泽地为背景。一个男孩和他的新朋友出发去寻找躲避世代流传的家族诅咒的方法。

    UNDEFEATED: Jim Thorpe and the Carlisle Indian School Football Team. By Steve Sheinkin. (Roaring Brook Press, $19.99.) Our reviewer, Carvell Wallace, praised the “hearty inspiration” provided by this riveting nonfiction account of the Native American students who developed most of what we consider modern football.

    《不可战胜——吉姆·索普和卡莱尔印第安学校足球队》(Undefeated: Jim Thorpe and the Carlisle Indian School Football Team)。史蒂夫·谢恩金(Steve Sheinkin)著(Roaring Brook Press出版社,19.99美元)。我们的书评人卡维尔·华莱士(Carvell Wallace)称赞这本扣人心弦的非虚构图书“十分鼓舞人心”,讲述了美国原住民学生发展出我们现在所知的橄榄球的过程。

    THE VANDERBEEKERS OF 141ST STREET. By Karina Yan Glaser (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $16.99.) In this delightful and heartwarming throwback to the big-family novels of yesteryear, a large biracial family might lose their beloved brownstone home, but win it back with an all-out charm offensive.

    《第141街的范德比克斯一家》(The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street)。卡莉娜·延·格拉泽(Karina Yan Glaser)著(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt出版社,16.99美元)。在这个令人愉快的、温馨的昔日大家庭风格小说中,一个庞大的双种族家庭可能会失去他们心爱的褐砂石房子,但是他们凭借强大的魅力攻势赢回了它。

    WISHTREE. By Katherine Applegate. (Feiwel & Friends, $17.99.) A talking tree who has seen it all over the centuries narrates this wise, entrancing story set in a neighborhood in which a Muslim family is made to feel unwelcome.

    《许愿树》(Wishtree)。凯瑟琳·阿普尔盖特(Katherine Applegate)著(Feiwel & Friends出版社,17.99美元)。一棵见证了几个世纪的沧桑的会说话的树,讲述了这个引人入胜的睿智故事,它发生在一个不欢迎穆斯林家庭的社区。

    Young Adult

    少年(Young Adult)

    AKATA WARRIOR. By Nnedi Okorafor. (Viking, $18.99.) This enthralling second book about Sunny, an albino Nigerian girl who can do magic, has her mastering her powers to save the world from apocolyptic doom.

    《阿卡塔斗士》(Akata Warrior)。尼迪·奥科拉弗(Nnedi Okorafor)著(Viking出版社,18.99美元)。这本引人入胜的的书是这个系列的第二本,它讲述的是一个患有白化病的尼日利亚女孩利用自己的魔力拯救世界、使它免于毁灭的故事。

    AMERICAN STREET. By Ibi Zoboi (Balzer & Bray/HarperCollins, $17.99.). Set in a Detroit infused with elements of Haitian voodoo that creates a mood of magical realism, this elegant and suspenseful debut follows the story of Fabiola, who must stay with her cousins while she attempts to get her mother out of an immigration detention facility.

    《美国街头》(American Street)。伊比·佐博伊(Ibi Zoboi)著(Balzer & Bray/ HarperCollins出版社,17.99美元)。在这个故事中,底特律充满海地巫毒教的元素,呈现出一种魔幻现实主义的气氛。这部优雅而充满悬疑的处女作讲述了法比奥拉(Fabiola)的故事,在被迫和表亲们生活在一起的同时,她希望把母亲从一个移民拘留所中解救出来。

    LA BELLE SAUVAGE. By Philip Pullman (Knopf, $22.99.) Pullman’s long-awaited prequel to the “His Dark Materials” trilogy pulls you back into the fascinating alternate universe of the original series, exploring the nature of the powerful substance called Dust and following the heroine, Lyra Belacqua, from babyhood.

    《美好野蛮人》(La Belle Sauvage)。菲利普·普尔曼(Philip Pullman)著(Knopf出版社,22.99美元)。这本书是人们期待已久的“黑暗物质”(His Dark Materials)三部曲的前传。它将你带回到这个系列迷人的平行宇宙中,探索一种名为“尘埃”的强大物质的本质,从女主角莱拉·贝拉奎亚(Lyra Belacqua)的婴儿时期讲起。

    FAR FROM THE TREE. By Robin Benway. (HarperTeen, $17.99.) “Unforgettable,” our reviewer, Catherine Hong, called this winner of the 2017 National Book Award for Young People’s Literature, about an adopted, pregnant teenager who seeks out her own birth family.

    《远离父母》(Far from the Tree)。罗宾·本韦(Robin Benway)著(HarperTeen出版社,17.99美元)。我们的书评人凯瑟琳·洪(Catherine Hong)称这本获得2017年美国国家青少年文学奖(National Book Award for Young People’s Literature)的图书“十分令人难忘”。它讲述的是一个被收养的怀孕少女寻找亲生父母的故事。

    THE HATE U GIVE. By Angie Thomas. (Balzer & Bray/HarperCollins, $17.99.). Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this absorbing and potent novel follows a girl whose childhood friend is shot by the police and whose world is irrevocably changed by what she’s witnessed.

    《你们给予的仇恨》(The Hate U Give)。安吉·托马斯(Angie Thomas)著(Balzer & Bray/HarperCollins出版社,17.99美元)。这部引人入胜的震撼小说以“黑人的命也是命”运动(Black Lives Matter)为灵感,讲述的是一个女孩的故事,她童年的朋友被警察枪杀,她的世界被她目睹的一切不可逆转地改变了。

    I AM NOT YOUR PERFECT MEXICAN DAUGHTER. By Erika L. Sánchez. (Knopf, $17.99.) This gripping debut finds humor as well as pathos in15-year-old Julia’s quest to uncover her Mexican-American family’s secrets after the death of her seemingly dutiful sister.

    《我不是你们完美的墨西哥女儿》(I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter)。埃里卡·L·桑切斯(Erika L. Sánchez)著(克诺夫出版社,17.99美元)。这部扣人心弦的处女作既幽默又感人。在看似恭顺的姐姐去世后,15岁的茱莉娅(Julia)试图揭开她的墨西哥裔美国家庭的秘密。

    TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN. By John Green. (Dutton, $19.99.) Green’s chronicle of a teenager’s struggle to live and love—and solve a mystery—despite her debilitating obsessive-compulsive disorder is simply “astonishing,” said our reviewier, Jennifer Senior.

    《一直往下全是乌龟》(Turtles All the Way Down)。约翰·格林(John Green)著(Dutton出版社,19.99美元)。格林讲述了一个少年尽管饱受强迫症困扰,却努力生活和爱——以及解决一个谜团——的故事,我们的书评人詹妮弗·塞尼奥尔(Jennifer Senior)称本书着实“令人目瞪口呆”。

      上一篇:《纽约时报》2017年100本值得关注的书 下一篇:晚景凄凉的韩国老年人


