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    In these dark, chaotic times, it would not be unrealistic for someone, when asked what color will represent 2018, to look around and guess, say, black. Or maybe deep, bloody burgundy. Wartime red? Fake-tan orange? At the very least, soot gray.


    Any of them would seemingly match different shades of the general mood.


    And yet the self-proclaimed “color authorities” at Pantone sent approximately 10 people to blanket the globe for weeks at a time last year, searching for color signals in food, cars, cosmetics, clothes and housewares. They reconvened, pooled their findings, did their analysis and declared the color of 2018 to be … Ultra Violet.




    Yup, the highlighter-purple shade that has also been the name of a Warhol superstar who died in 2014; a 2006 dystopian action film starring Milla Jovovich as a rebel infected with a vampiric virus; an online activist community founded in 2012 to combat sexism and violence toward women; and a kind of light that can cause skin cancer (ahem).

    没错,这种荧光紫色的名称,曾经还是一名2014年去世、与沃霍尔关系密切的超级巨星的姓名;是一部反乌托邦电影的名字,米拉·乔沃维奇(Milla Jovovich)在其中饰演一名受到吸血鬼病毒感染的反叛者;是一个活动人士的在线社区,该社区创建于2012年,旨在与针对女性的性别歧视和暴力作斗争;还是一种能导致皮肤癌的光线(呃哼)。

    Those things may not be exactly what you think about when you think about what’s coming, but the history does demonstrate that the idea has a broad reach. Ultra Violet can be many things to many people.


    It “communicates originality, ingenuity and visionary thinking,” Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, said by way of explanation. It is found in the cosmos (think of all those swirling purple nebulae!), the wellness movement (amethyst crystals!) and was a favorite color of the architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who, Ms. Eiseman said, used to wear a purple cape when he was trying to be creative. Ditto Wagner, who liked to surround himself with purple when he was composing. Also, of course, Prince.

    它“能传达创意、巧思和前瞻性思维”,潘通色彩研究所(Pantone Color Institute)的执行总监莱亚特丽斯·艾斯曼(Leatrice Eiseman)解释道。宇宙中有这种色彩(想想那些旋转的紫色星云!),养生运动中有这种颜色(紫水晶!),它还是建筑师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)最为喜爱的颜色。艾斯曼说当赖特想变得更有创意时,就会穿上紫色斗篷。迪托·瓦格纳(Ditto Wagner)喜欢作曲时,自己周围都是紫色。当然了,还有歌手“王子”。

    “It’s also the most complex of all colors,” she said, “because it takes two shades that are seemingly diametrically opposed — blue and red — and brings them together to create something new.”


    That’s an optimistic view of things. And, if the current standoff in Washington is any indication, one that seems more like wishful thinking than reality. But that, it turns out, is part of the point. At least this year.


    “It’s truly a reflection of what’s needed in our world today,” said Laurie Pressman, vice president of the Pantone Color Institute. Not, note, “what’s going on in our world today.” Which is kind of an interesting distinction. It suggests that Pantone is not just observing and predicting, it’s going proactive.

    “它确实是如今我们世界所需事物的反映,”潘通色彩研究所副总裁劳里·普莱斯曼(Laurie Pressman)说。要注意,它不是“如今世界上所发生的事情”。这个区别甚是有趣。它表明,潘通并不仅仅在观察,也在预测,它在先行一步。

    In the past, Pantone has skewed more reflective. In 2015, for example, it took the relatively radical step of naming two colors for 2016: rose quartz and serenity, a pink and a blue, in acknowledgment of our increasingly gender-fluid world. Last year, it went for a green tone to suggest new beginnings (and quite a beginning this first Trump year has been).


    But for 2018, Ms. Eiseman said, “We wanted to pick something that brings hope and an uplifting message.” This is effectively the color-psychology equivalent of the theory that says that when you make yourself smile, you feel happier. Or the “Field of Dreams” mantra: “If you build it, he will come.”

    但2018年的色彩,艾斯曼说,“我们想选择能带来希望和振奋人心讯息的色彩”。这种色彩心理学相当于那种当你让自己笑出来,就会觉得更快乐的理论。或是电影《梦幻之地》(Field of Dreams)中的颂歌:“如果你建好了,他就会来。”

    In the Pantone version, if you wear it/drink it/drive it, solutions may appear. That’s a pretty ambitious belief. Will people buy it?


    Well, at this stage, a lot of us may try anything. Gird yourself. We may be in for a new kind of purple reign.


      上一篇:那些“我老了以后一定要做到”的事 下一篇:调查显示对性别差异的刻板印象犹存


