In an era when algorithmic hyper-efficiency is being prioritised, this is an experience worth making time for — not least because of the economic paradox it brings about.
Consider just some of the inefficiencies deemed acceptable at this time of year that might otherwise be targeted by technologists and entrepreneurs for elimination, automation or acceleration. Arts and crafts; handmade decorations; organically-sourced produce from Christmas markets and stalls; Christmas lights; the wrapping of almost everything in decorative paper; indoor trees; festivities and merrymaking on employer-time; Christmas shows; and, most crucially of all, unnecessary gift-giving all around.
Then, on the behavioural front, there’s the over-consumption of almost everything, as well as the days-long preparation of just one meal. If we operated on this basis every day, it is fair to assume our finely tuned “fast-paced” economy could probably not keep up without cost.
And yet, despite all the wastage and inefficiency, the season is still considered an essential consumer blowout, with the capacity to make or break a small independent company or even the more established large corporation. So while the Christmas phenomenon may be deemed inefficient to a technologist’s mind, the livelihoods (and positive experiences) it supports more widely suggest it is not all for nothing. Does this imply that it does not always pay to do things more efficiently or without the human touch, or that the quest for hyper efficiency is not necessarily grounded in human interest? Perhaps.
In a forthcoming book, The Efficiency Paradox, Edward Tenner, of the Smithsonian’s Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, explores the inconsistencies further. His work reveals that the paradox extends beyond the holiday period: at all times, efficiency is not necessarily what it seems. Indeed, according to Mr Tenner, the single-minded drive for a “friction-free” world can even have the side-effect of reducing efficiency in some cases. Think, for example, of the unintended consequences of excessive hygiene in terms of inflated resistance side-effects.
在即将出版的《效率悖论》(The Efficiency Paradox)一书中,史密森尼(Smithsonian)的莱梅尔逊发明和创新研究中心(Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation)的爱德华•特纳(Edward Tenner)进一步研究了这些不一致性。他的研究显示,这种悖论不仅仅出现在节假日期间:效率未必总是像表面上显示的那样。实际上,特纳认为,一根筋地致力于打造一个“无摩擦”世界,在某些情况下甚至会产生降低效率的副作用。例如,想想过分清洁在有害微生物耐药性提升方面带来的意想不到的后果。
And while much celebrated platform-efficiency can bring remarkable benefits, the unintended consequences include price inflation of still crucial, but not yet automated, services, monopolisation, loss of privacy and human redundancy. Wherever you look, there is an equal and commensurate trade-off.
Of course, the greatest irony comes in how newly-minted technology billionaires like to spend their own money once they have made it. Take the products and services made available at the annual Web Summit gathering in Lisbon in November, a celebration of platform technology. In the VIP-only area the titans of the internet indulged in artisanal coffees and grazed hand-cured meats and traditionally-baked patisseries even as they evangelised about the merits of dehumanised mass-market solutions. Nor does their efficiency obsession square with the accompanying belief that failure should always be celebrated. Failure is a sunk cost and anything but efficient.
当然,最大的讽刺来自新晋的科技亿万富豪们在发家之后如何花钱。看看11月里斯本举行的为平台技术喝彩的年度网络峰会(Web Summit)上提供的产品和服务。在VIP专区,互联网巨头们享受着手工咖啡、手工制作的腌肉和传统方法烘焙的糕点,但这不妨碍他们宣扬非人化的大众市场解决方案的优点。他们对效率的痴迷与其伴随的信念——失败值得庆祝——也存在矛盾。失败是一项沉没的成本,绝对谈不上高效率。
But in their private investments the absurdities really come to light. Silicon Valley entrepreneur Michael Baum, who made his fortune selling big data software, spent a fair wedge of that sum acquiring the Burgundy winery Château de Pommard, which prides itself on its traditional winemaking techniques.
但真正暴露这类荒唐的是他们的个人投资。靠卖大数据软件发家的硅谷企业家迈克尔•鲍姆(Michael Baum),花了很大一部分财富买下了以传统酿酒技艺为骄傲的勃艮第(Burgundy)玻玛酒庄(Château de Pommard)。
The first love of Elon Musk, the electric car enthusiast and futurist, was always the bespoke high-performance sports vehicle. His vision centres on bringing highly individualised “green” transport solutions to the masses at an affordable rate. But even his automated, energy-efficient approach to car manufacturing is struggling to compensate for the unexpected inefficiencies in hand.
超级电动汽车迷和未来主义者埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk,见文首照片)的最爱一直是定制的高性能跑车。而他的愿景是以合理的价格给大众带来高度个性化的“绿色”出行解决方案。但即使是他的自动化的、节能的汽车制造理念,也与他的个人爱好中的效率低下不协调。
None of which is to say humans should not strive to be more efficient where they can, especially on energy consumption. But if the joy, pleasure and job security afforded by Christmas inefficiency tells us anything, it is that efficiency should not be regarded as an end in itself. Since inefficiency has a way of popping up no matter what we do, it is human experience that should be prioritised before all else.
izabella.kaminska@ft.com 译者/何黎