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    Family businesses are acutely aware of the danger they face. Most do not make it beyond two generations: power struggles between successors and dispersion of wealth and control are just two ways in which a budding dynasty can fall.


    More such companies are drawing up family constitutions, also known as charters or protocols, to help them prosper and endure. These are statements that set out a family’s values, strategic goals and governance.


    They are not new — the Mitsui merchant family of Japan created one in 1722 — but their use has expanded, especially in the past ten years. The financial crisis brought disputes over asset allocation and the direction of businesses, and helped boost their popularity. Other factors to have spurred the growth of constitutions include volatile oil prices, political turbulence and the spread of family wealth out of China and India.


    “Where the goal of the family is to continue to manage the family business or the family wealth collectively across the generations, a constitution can be very helpful,” says Bernard Rennell, head of family governance at HSBC Private Banking.

    “家族的目标是代代相传地对家族企业或家族财富进行管理,在这方面,基本法非常有帮助。”汇丰私人银行(HSBC Private Bank)家族治理主管伯纳德•伦内尔(Bernard Rennell)说。

    The proportion of family-owned businesses whose owners have a written constitution ranges from 63 per cent in Finland to 4 per cent in Japan, according to a survey of 2,800 family enterprises by PwC. In India the figure is 36 per cent, Germany 19 per cent, US 18 per cent, UK 14 per cent and China 8 per cent.


    Companies whose owning families have adopted constitutions include India’s GMR Group, an infrastructure and manufacturing business founded by GM Rao; Carvajal, a publishing and packaging multinational based in Colombia; and the Dachser logistics business in Germany.

    持有人家族已采用基本法的企业包括:GM Rao在印度创立的基础设施和制造业企业GMR集团(GMR Group);总部位于哥伦比亚、从事出版与包装的跨国公司Carvajal;德国物流企业超捷(Dachser)。

    China’s Sun family adopted a family business constitution in 2005 after Sun Dawu, founder of the Dawu agricultural business, spent six months in jail for a grain deposit scheme judged to have misused public funds: it concentrated his mind on the need for a governance system to ensure the company’s survival.


    Typically, a constitution will set out issues such as a family’s values and vision, its criteria for selecting the business’s leaders and rights and responsibilities for family members involved in the business and those who are not. They differ in detail, however.


    “They don’t really have a typical length or form or content and they are entirely bespoke,” says Mustafa Hussain, partner at law firm Taylor Wessing, who has written a lot of constitutions for families in the Middle East and Asia. These have ranged from six pages to 30, depending on the circumstances.

    “家族企业基本法真的没有统一的长度、形式或内容,完全都是根据各家族量身定制,”泰乐信(Taylor Wessing)律所合伙人穆斯塔法•侯赛因(Mustafa Hussain)说,他为中东和亚洲的很多家族草拟了基本法。根据情况不同,这些基本法的篇长从6页到30页不等。

    Apart from the mission statement, Mr Hussain says the most important provisions are those to ensure the family portfolio stays together. “Keeping the wealth and the portfolio together protects you from the threat of ‘rags to riches and back to rags again in three generations’,” he says.


    Provisions are often unique to a company’s needs. For example, the Schurter family, which owns a Swiss electronic components business, commits to setting aside a percentage of revenues for innovation every year. India’s GMR constitution stipulates the make of car each family member is entitled to have.


    Constitutions are usually not legally binding though they must be drafted carefully to fit in with shareholder agreements and take into account structures such as companies, foundations and trusts. Mr Rennell says it is important to ensure that decision-making procedures have legal effect.


    Family constitutions are a growth area for consultants, lawyers and wealth managers. Families often bring in consultants to handle discussions about creating a constitution, which can provoke arguments about control and what happens to wealth.


    Once agreed, however, constitutions help to avoid conflict. “They tend to stick to what is in the document. In later years, when people wonder where they stand if one of them wants to buy out or one person wants to leave, they refer back to the document,” Mr Hussain says.


    Advisers urge families to keep their constitutions up to date. The UK’s William Jackson Food Group, owned by the descendants of the man who founded it in 1851, drew up a constitution in the mid-1990s and reviews it every five years.

    顾问鼓励各家族的基本法保持与时俱进。英国的威廉•杰克逊食品集团(William Jackson Food Group)上世纪90年代中期制订了一部基本法,以后每5年审查一次。这家创立于1851年的集团目前仍为公司创始人的后代所有。

    “The bigger the body of people you are working with, the bigger the challenge. There is a need to have a very structured governance system,” Nicholas Oughtred, chairman, who is the founder’s great-great-grandson, told EY for a family business report.

    “你与之合作的人员组织的规模越大,面临的挑战也就越大。我们需要拥有一种结构化程度很高的治理制度,”上述集团创始人玄孙、董事长尼古拉斯•奥特雷德(Nicholas Oughtred)对安永(EY)表示,后者正在撰写一份家族企业报告。

    Elizabeth Bagger, executive director of the UK’s Institute for Family Business, says more first and second-generation families are opting for constitutions. She believes they can be advantageous, although the thing to avoid is maybe “being too rigid and prescriptive”. Adopting a constitution is no guarantee of avoiding conflict.

    英国家族企业协会(IFB)执行董事伊丽莎白•巴格尔(Elizabeth Bagger)表示,更多一代和二代的家族正在采纳基本法。她认为,此类基本法可以带来好处,不过,需要避免的也许是“太过僵化和规范”。采用基本法不能保证避免冲突。

    “You still have to talk, you still have to have relationships. Communication is a key element as well. A good governance structure combined with communication is important,” Ms Bagger adds.


      上一篇:在1966年预测2000年的生活 下一篇:相逢不如错过?盘点那些被夸大的世界著名景点


