
• 只有在读大学本科生和研究生可以申请
• 在2018年7月1日时,年龄为18-25岁之间
• 申请者须英语流利(等同于雅思6.5分水平),热爱并有志于投身新闻工作。
• 未参加过之前的世界新闻大会
• 在2018年7月2-8日期间,可以有时间前往爱丁堡
Future News Worldwide 2018 applications open
Opportunity for China's future news makers to learn from world’s top journalists
Applications are open for Future News Worldwide 2018, a prestigious international conference for the next generation of journalists run by the British Council in partnership with some of the world's leading media organisations.
100 fully-funded places are available for the brightest young student bloggers, vloggers, photojournalists and reporters from across the globe to take part in the two day event at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh in July 2018.
With contributions from leading media organisations such as CNN, Reuters, Google News Lab, Facebook and UK Schools of Journalism, the conference is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity for the next generation of top journalists to hone their skills and make global connections.
The opportunity is available to undergraduate and postgraduate students from any country who will be aged 18-25 years old on 1 July 2018. Applicants should be able to speak English at an advanced level and need to demonstrate that they are passionate about following a career in journalism.
Deadline: 28 February 2018