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    If you love to travel, then booking hotel stays is second nature to you. Sure, there are other options these days like Airbnb or Couchsurfing, which can feel odd to some people. But, then again, if you book at one of these very odd hotels, Airbnb and Couchsurfing will seem more than tame in comparison.

    如果你热爱旅行,订旅馆就是家常便饭的事情,当然,现在有很多类似 Airbnb 和 Couchsurfing 这样的选择,这些一般跟旅馆不太一样,不过,如果你看了下面在这些奇奇怪怪的旅馆,Airbnb 和 Couchsurfing 也就不算什么了。

    Dog Bark Park Inn



    Love dogs? The Dog Bark Park Inn is for you. Visit Cottonwood, Idaho to see and stay, at this very unique hotel. Shaped like a (nine-meter-tall) beagle, this dog house is a hotel and not a kennel. You can sleep in the dog, with 26 carved “dogs” to keep you company. And if you need a snack, The Dog Bark Park Inn serves dog-shaped cookies to munch on, too.

    喜欢狗吗?犬吠公园旅店就是为你准备的。来 Idaho 的 Cottonwood ,到这家独一无二的小旅馆看一看住一住,酒店的形状就是一只(9米高)的比格犬,不过这确实是家旅店而非狗窝,在这里,有 26 只雕刻出来的小狗陪你安眠。如果想吃小点心,这里还提供小狗饼干。

    Hotel Costa Verde

    Costa Verde 酒店

    costa verde 酒店

    And if you love planes, why not spend the night in one? No, it’s not like when you have to fly overnight, stuffed into a tiny seat and completely unable to get comfortable at all. You do have to travel to Costa Rica to visit, but once you get there, your stay will be anything but a cramped, unmoving seat. This Boeing 727 plane has been turned into a two-bedroom luxury guesthouse. Not only is this experience one of a kind but the location offers jungle and ocean views. The rooms are air-conditioned and they each have their own bathroom. You can stay in and cook in the planes kitchenette or enjoy food and drinks at El Avión, a restaurant, and pub located in a C-123 Fairchild cargo plane.

    如果你喜欢飞机,为什么不在飞机里住一晚呢?我说的不是让真让你坐在局促的小椅子上飞一夜。你可以到哥斯达黎加看看,哪里住的地方花样多,不需要再狭小的椅子上难受。Costa Verde 酒店把波音 727 改造成了一间两张床的豪华客房。不仅仅有这样的独特体验,你还能享受当地特有的雨林和海景。房间有空调,每个人都有一间独立浴室。你可以自己在飞机上做东西吃也可以在 El Avión 餐厅享受美食,这家餐厅在 C-123 Fairchild cargo 飞机里。

    Poseidon Undersea Resort



    This place is not for the faint of heart. If you’ve ever thought you could live underwater, you’ll get a taste of it here. Fiji’s Poseidon Undersea Resort offers underwater rooms with an endless view of the sea and a truly once in a lifetime experience. You can also enjoy fine dining beneath the sea or above. The resort also boasts a library/lounge, theater area, and a conference room/wedding chapel. If you want an active stay there is a nine-hole executive golf course, private splash pools, a fitness center and tennis courts to keep you moving. And of course, there’s the ocean for all your diving, swimming and exploring interests.

    这里不适合胆小的人哦,如果你曾幻想生活在水下,斐济的波塞冬水下乐园提供视野开阔的水下套房和一生只有一次的独特体验。还有独特的美食供你享用。这里还有书店、休息室、影院区、会议室和婚礼用的小教堂。如果你想运动,这里还有 9 洞的高尔夫球场,一个健身中心和一个网球场,当然你还可以去海里潜水,游泳,寻找乐趣。Skylodge Adventure Suites




    If you’re a thrill seeker with a strong stomach and a trusting spirit, you could stay in a room, that hangs off the side of a mountain. Cuzco, Peru offers rooms that hang 400 feet off the side of a mountain and is the “first ever hanging lodge in the world.” There isn’t much privacy in this room but the views and experience more than make up for the lack of alone time. The cost is about $300 per-person but includes dinner, wine, and breakfast. And to get down from your room, you must exit via zip line, also included in the cost and clearly the coolest check out practice of any hotel.

    如果你想寻刺激,胆子大精神属性高,你可以考虑住在悬挂在峭壁上的旅店,秘鲁的库斯科能提供那种悬挂在山上高 400 英尺的套房,也是世界上第一座悬挂在峭壁上的旅馆。虽然这种房间没什么隐私可言,但是开阔的视野和独特的体验弥补了独处时间的缺乏。售价每人 300 美金,但包括晚餐、红酒和早餐。也包括从房间出来所需要依靠的飞索钱。

    V8 Hotel



    This German hotel in Stuttgart is a car lover’s dream. Themed rooms are all related to the automobile featuring vintage cars, racing paraphernalia, and drive-through cinemas. No two rooms are alike, so each guest has an experience all their own. The rooms all are furnished with beds and furniture made of real vehicle parts. For an extended stay, they offer V10 Service apartments, that include larger rooms, a full bath, kitchenette and a terrace. You can book by the week or month, with or without hotel staff and cook on your own our eating out. Vacation here to truly make your stay all yours, and just the way you like it.

    这座位与德国斯图尔特的旅店是汽车爱好者的天堂。主题套房都和复古汽车、竞速设备有关,还有汽车影院。没有两件一样的房,每位顾客都能获得独特的体验,房间里的床和其他家居都是用汽车零件做的。对于需要住得久一点的人,他们还提供 V10 公寓,配备更大的房间,全功能的浴室、厨房和阳台。你可以定按周或者按月预定,选择要不要服务人员,是自己做还是出去吃。在这而度假,你可以随心所欲。

    Ariau Amazon Towers

    Ariau 亚马逊塔

    Ariau Amazon Towers

    This eco-friendly retreat offers a array of primates and gorgeous birds as a part of their stay package. Situated in Manaus, Brazil, in the Amazon treetops, these rooms include private balconies atop the world’s largest tropical forest. While you’re there, check out the treetop swimming pools, restaurants, and bars. For fitness, there are five miles of canopy-skimming walkways. You can also find excursions by foot, canoe or boat for more sights of the environment and nature of the Amazon. Unfortunately, the Ariau Amazon Towers have since had to shut their doors due to tourist decline in the early 2000’s.

    这个环境友好型的度假胜地讲许多灵长类动物和美丽的鸟儿也作为自己旅馆套餐的一部分。旅馆位于巴西的 Manaus,在亚马逊丛林的一棵树顶上,房间在世界上最大的热带雨林顶部,包括一个私人阳台。你来的时候,还会看到树顶上巨大的游泳池,餐厅和酒吧。至于健身设施,有一个 5 英里长的游泳道。你也能进行徒步地短途旅行,或是借助独木舟、小船来看看周边的自然风光,不过很可惜,这家旅店因为游客下降最后关门了。

      上一篇:“O.K.”这个词是怎么来的? 下一篇:养狗能让你活的更久


