Instead, it plans to award the prestigious prize twice next year.
"We have decided not to award a prize after long and intense discussions. The confidence (in the Swedish Academy) is so low in the rest of the world that we will not do it this year. However, we plan to award the prize next year and hopefully then a double prize. It has happened five times before and is not a unique event," the Academy’s interim head Anders Olsson told newswire TT.
Friday's news comes after weeks of crisis meetings and mass resignations from the Swedish Academy. It all started during the #MeToo campaign when 18 women in newspaper Dagens Nyheter accused a well-known French culture figure – with whom it had close ties – of sexual violence or harassment.
周五的新闻是持续了数周的危机会议和瑞典学院内部教职员工大量辞职事件的自然后续。这一切都始于#MeToo运动,当时纸媒Dagens Nyheter报爆出,18名女性指控法国著名的文化学者与一系列性暴力或性骚扰事件密切相关。
The man in question, Jean-Claude Arnault, denied all accusations. However, the reports also led to a series of other questions raised about the Academy's close ties to his culture venue, including about payouts made to the venue and allegations of names of Nobel Prize winners being leaked in advance.
After failing to contain the fallout, six out of 18 total members resigned, including the permanent secretary Sara Danius and Arnault's wife, poet Katarina Frostensson.
Traditionally, its 18 members are appointed for life and cannot resign, but they can choose not to participate. One member has been inactive since 1989 when the Academy refused to condemn a fatwa against Salman Rushdie following the publication of his novel ‘The Satanic Verses'. It did so 27 years later. Another member left the Academy in 2015.
传统上,这18名学院院士是终身任命的,不得辞职,但他们可以选择拒绝履行院士的职责。1989年,一名院士于因与学院意见相左而选择不再参见学院活动,原因是伊朗宗教领袖霍梅尼下令追杀《撒旦诗篇》作者、英籍印度裔作家萨尔曼· 拉什迪,多数院士以不应干预政治为由拒绝以文学院名义发表谴责声明。学院在27年后做到了这一点。另一名院士则于2015年后,不再出现在人前。
According to its statutes, at least 12 members are needed in order to vote in a new member, triggering a massive headache for the 10 remaining members.
Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf, who is the patron of the Academy founded in 1786, has agreed to change the statutes to allow members to resign and be replaced, thereby ensuring the institution's survival.