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    The notes were sprawled across a letter bearing President Trump’s signature.


    In the top left corner: “Have y’all tried grammar & style check?”


    At the top right: “Federal is capitalized only when used as part of a proper noun.”


    And toward the bottom: “OMG this is WRONG!”


    The letter, dated May 3 and printed on White House stationery, was addressed to Yvonne Mason, 61, a former high school English teacher who retired last year but hadn’t quite left “grading-paper mode,” she said on Sunday.

    这封信打印在白宫抬头的信纸上,信上注明的日期是5月3日,是写给现年61岁的伊冯娜·梅森(Yvonne Mason)的。曾是高中英语老师的梅森于周日表示,她虽然已在去年退休,但还没完全脱离“阅卷模式”。

    So when she received the letter in the mail, she pulled out her go-to purple pen and started making corrections. Then she snapped a picture, posted the letter on Facebook and mailed it back to the White House.


    “It was a poorly worded missive,” she said. “Poor writing is not something I abide. If someone is capable of doing better, then they should do better.”


    Ms. Mason, a Democrat who lives in Atlanta, had written to Mr. Trump to ask that he visit each family of those who died in the shooting that killed 17 people at a school in Parkland, Fla., in February.


    “I had written to them in anger, to tell you the truth,” she said. “I thought he owed it to these grieving families.”


    The letter she received did not address her concerns, she said. Instead, it listed a series of actions taken after the shooting, like listening sessions, meetings with lawmakers and the STOP School Violence Act, a bill that would authorize $500 million over 10 years for safety improvements at schools but had no provisions related to guns.

    她说,她收到的回信没有提到她关切的事,只是列出了事件发生后采取的一系列行动,如聆听会、与立法者召开的会议以及《制止校园暴力法案》(STOP School Violence Act)。该法案授权在10年内拨付五亿美元(约合32亿元人民币)用于改善学校的安全,但没有和枪支相关的条款。

    Then there were the grammatical errors.


    “Nation” was capitalized, so was “states.” Ms. Mason circled both. “nation”(国家)大写了,“ states”(州)也是。


    A sentence about a “rule” banning devices that turn legal guns into illegal machine guns was unclear. “Explain ‘rule,’” she wrote.


    There was more. Much more.


    “If my students turned that in they would get exactly the same marks,” she said.


    But she didn’t correct everything. 但她并没有纠正所有错误。

    “I did not mention the dangling modifier,” she said. “I focused mainly on mechanics.”


    The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


    The letter stood in contrast to other letters she has received from politicians, Ms. Mason said. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, sent “beautiful” letters that struck a tone that “makes me more important than him,” she said.

    梅森说,这封信与她从其他政治人物那里收到的来信形成鲜明对比。南卡罗来纳州共和党参议员林赛·格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)寄来的信语言“优美”,信中的语气“显得我比他更重要”,她说。

    She has written to several legislators in South Carolina, where she taught Advanced Placement English language and composition.


    Following up on a New Year’s resolution, she has written a postcard to the White House every day since Jan. 1, she said.


    When she was teaching, she wanted to show her students that their voices mattered, even if they weren’t old enough to vote, she said.


    “You’re important. You need to be a part of this, you need to pay attention to what’s going on,” she said.


    When word spread about the corrected letter she had sent to the White House, Ms. Mason received hundreds of messages from people across the country — some positive (a lawyer in Houston wanted to know if she would be interested in looking over his appellate briefs) and others venomous (one person suggested she “must be a lonely bitter hag with a lot of cats”).


    But Ms. Mason wasn’t focusing on the negativity.


    “Let them have their day, bless their little hearts,” she said. “They aren’t changing my mind.”


      上一篇:“别让任何人打乱你人生的节奏”刷屏 下一篇:女性小岛,男性禁入!


