Most of us have daydreamed about becoming professional chefs and wowing everyone with our superstar skills in the kitchen. Sadly, not all of us are equally good when it comes to cooking, and intense training in the secretive ways of the culinary arts seems like a grueling task.
Petteri, a chef from Finland, is here to tell you that absolutely anybody can act like a professional cook — if they know the right techniques. He uploaded a series of photos to imgur, demonstrating how to use average kitchen knives to cut food into ultra-thin slices.
Bored Panda interviewed chef Petteri from Finland about how to properly use cooking knives for cutting food, and how to take proper care of them. Petteri told us that he spent 3 years learning the trade at a hotel, restaurant and catering college, and a further 8 years working at fine dining, a la carte and lunch restaurants, as well as in the catering business.
Bored Panda采访了来自芬兰的厨师佩特里,内容是关于如何正确使用烹饪刀来切食物,以及如何正确对待它们。佩特里告诉我们,他花了3年时间在一家酒店、餐厅和餐饮学院学习这门手艺,之后又花了8年时间在高级餐厅、零点餐厅和午餐餐厅以及餐饮行业工作。
“You don’t get the benefits of a high-end knife if you use them only for home cooking,” Petteri shared some of his in-depth knowledge about knives with Bored Panda and explained that the main difference between expensive and cheap knives is the quality of steel. “For example, my expensive knives actually dull faster and need more sharpening and maintaining compared to the knives I have at home because they are in constant use. Good mid-range knives last for a lifetime if cared for properly.”
“如果你只把高端刀具用于家庭烹饪,你就不会享受到高端刀具的好处,”佩特里在Bored Panda网站上分享了他对刀具的一些深入了解,并解释说,昂贵刀具和廉价刀具的主要区别在于钢材的质量。“比如,和我家里的刀具相比,我那把昂贵的刀具实际上迟钝得更快,需要更多的磨砺和保养,因为它们经常被使用。如果保养得当,好的中档刀具可以使用一辈子。”
The chef also recommended anyone interested in taking care of their cooking knives to get a whetstone and honing stick: “They are easy to use and the Internet is full of great guides on how to use them. Honing the blade will straighten the blade and keep it sharp and the whetstone will reform the actual blade and remove little nicks and dents from it. Hone the knife when you feel it isn’t cutting smoothly. And use whetstone when you feel that the honing isn’t helping anymore.”
Finnish chef Petteri taught Internet users how to cut vegetables super-duper thin
Image credits: hewari