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    African Architecture Isn’t Showcased Compared To European And Asian


    Byzantine, Gothic, Baroque, Modernist… We are familiar with many different styles of ‘Western’ architecture because they are celebrated and rightly so. Ottoman-style mosques and the pagodas of East Asia are also instantly recognizable, as well as the temples of the pre-colonial civilizations that flourished in Central and South America.


    However, the Great Pyramids Of Giza aside, the glories of African architecture are often shamefully overlooked. Sadly, this is a symptom of a larger problem overall, where the rich diversity and culture of the African continent is largely glossed over in international media. Most reporting from the continent focuses only on issues that reinforce negative stereotypes – those of poverty, disease and war.

    然而,撇开吉萨的金字塔不谈,非洲建筑的辉煌常常被可耻地忽视。遗憾的是,这是一个更大问题的征兆,国际媒体在很大程度上掩盖了非洲大陆丰富的多样性和文化。来自非洲大陆的大多数报告只着重于加强消极刻板印象的问题- -贫穷、疾病和战争。

    There is much to appreciate about pre-colonial Africa – which is barely ever mentioned outside of history books. Up to 10,000 different states and autonomous groups with distinct languages and customs existed, and many advanced kingdoms and empires – such as the Asante Union, the Mossi Kingdom and the Zulu Kingdom – thrived before Europeans arrived with their guns, slavery and religion.

    前殖民时代的非洲有很多值得欣赏的地方——除了历史书之外,几乎没有人提到过。多达1万个不同的州和自治团体拥有不同的语言和习俗,许多先进的王国和帝国- -例如阿桑特联盟、莫斯王国和祖鲁王国- -在欧洲人带着他们的枪支、奴隶制度和宗教来到这里之前兴旺发达。

    A Twitter account called ‘Igbo Excellence’ (the Igbo people are an ethnic group from south and eastern Nigeria) decided that it was time to showcase some of the best African architecture, and his thread went viral as people appreciated these overlooked gems.

    一个名为“Igbo Excellence”(Igbo人是来自尼日利亚南部和东部的少数民族)的推特账号决定是时候展示一些最好的非洲建筑了,他的帖子在人们欣赏这些被忽视的瑰宝时走红。

    Starting with Nubian – an ethnolinguistic group of Africans indigenous to present-day Sudan and southern Egypt believed to be one of the earliest cradles of civilization, Igbo Excellence posted examples from different areas and eras of African history, reminding us of the long and varied histories of peoples all across this vast continent.


    The mud mosques of the Sahel, including the magnificent Great Mosque of Djenné in Mali, are particularly impressive. The entire community of Djenné takes an active role in the mosque’s maintenance via a unique annual festival. This includes music and food, but has the primary objective of repairing the damage inflicted on the mosque in the past year, which is mostly erosion caused by the annual rains and cracks caused by changes in temperature and humidity.


    Other, more modern forms of Afro-futuristic architecture can be found in countries such as Ghana and Burkina Faso.


    Image credits: 1ncognito___

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