Icons come and go, especially when it comes to the star-studded pantheon of dinosaurs.
One day, the triceratops is all the rage. Those distinctive horns, that 10-ton girth and ... is that a beak? But peace-loving vegetarian dinosaurs, no matter how interesting they appear, just don't have a long shelf life in the popular imagination.
There’s still a lot we don’t know about this fearsome dinosaur, but what we do know is fascinating. (Photo: sruilk/Shutterstock)
Who wants to be remembered as king of the salad bar?
The T. rex wasn't the salad type. (Photo: Herschel Hoffmeyer/Shutterstock)
Then there was the upstart velociraptor! Fast. Smart. Vicious!
But much of that hype faded when paleontologists politely pointed out that velociraptors weren't quite the sprinting razor blades that terrified us in the "Jurassic Park" movies. They had feathers and probably looked more like big chickens.
但当古生物学家礼貌地指出迅猛龙并不是《侏罗纪公园》(Jurassic Park)电影中令我们感到恐惧的那种疾跑刀片时,这种大肆宣传就烟消云散了。它们有羽毛,可能看起来更像大鸡。
It's been around 70 million years since the T. rex stalked the Earth, waving its twiggy arms around and treating its contemporaries like chicken.
But why is it that for humans — who only ever got to dust off their old bones — the nightmares remain so vivid?
1.They were actually pretty ferocious.
All that we have to remember the T. rex by today are some intimidating bones. (Photo: Marques/Shutterstock)
Its name is a mix of Latin and Greek — as if first coined by a flustered paleontologist too freaked out to get the ancient languages straight. But "Tyrant Lizard King" definitely gets the scary factor perfectly straight.
2.A T. rex could beat you at chess ... if you were as smart as a chimp.
In the case of the T. rex, brains came long before brawn. (Photo: CapturePB/Shutterstock)
"Tyrannosaurs got smart before they got big, and they got big quickly right at the end of the time of the dinosaurs," Steve Brusatte, a paleontologist at the University of Edinburgh in the U.K., told Live Science.
英国爱丁堡大学的古生物学家Steve Brusatte告诉Live Science:“暴龙在变大之前就变得聪明了,它们在恐龙时代末期很快就变大了。”
3. Their senses were also razor-sharp.
The T. rex likely had eyes a little bigger than tennis balls. (Photo: Martina Badini/Shutterstock.com)
Those big brains had other amenities too. Like massive olfactory bulbs allowing a T. rex to catch the faintest whiff of dinner and come running. Its sense of smell was, like so many things, far superior to its contemporaries. Even worse for those lesser-endowed animals was the possibility the T. rex enjoyed hunting them at night.
4. Let's talk about those arms.
The T. rex may have kept its arms facing inward. (Photo: JopsStock/Shutterstock)
It's a good thing the T. rex was so "handy" with its face because those twiggy little arms don't seem like they were good for much. In fact, they may not have been long enough to even touch its face. And compared to those tree trunks it had for legs, they seem altogether inadequate.