Most people would agree that dress codes for work shouldn’t be so uncomfortable that they make you wish you were never born. That’s the lesson one woman taught her employers at a casino after they introduced an incredibly restrictive, not to mention excruciatingly painful, dress code.
Reddit user Inconvenientsilence was furious when the casino she worked at forced her and other female workers to wear high heels and “tight dresses,” so that customers would give out more tips. The Redditor decided to teach her managers a lesson, so she wore the uncomfortable clothes for the entire shift, even though her feet hurt like hell and she bled everywhere. Long story short, her managers quickly learned their lesson. Bored Panda contacted Inconvenientsilence and she revealed more details about what happened.
当她所在的赌场强迫她和其他女员工穿高跟鞋和“紧身衣”,好让顾客多给小费时,Reddit用户inentsilence非常愤怒。这位用户决定给她的经理们上一课,所以她整班都穿着不舒服的衣服,尽管她的脚疼得要命,到处流血。长话短说,她的经理们很快就吸取了教训。Bored Panda联系了inentsilence,她透露了更多事情的细节。
A casino one woman worked at changed the dress code to be more provocative
Image credits: Senlay (not the actual photo)
The clothes were incredibly uncomfortable and were a health-hazard
The casino that she worked at altered the dress code immediately when they realized how inhumane it was. However, this came at the cost of the Redditor bleeding everywhere after spending half a day walking around in high heels.
Inconvenientsilence talked to Bored Panda about what happened in more detail. When asked how her loved ones reacted to the event, she had this to say: “With the initial changes, my mother was a bit hesitant saying to wait and see what the dress is like and how there wasn’t any real need to change it at all, but the heels were a silly idea and a major health and safety hazard.”
不便的沈默向Bored Panda讲述了事情的细节。当被问及她所爱的人对事件的反应,她说:“在最初的变化,我妈妈有点犹豫说等等看婚纱是什么样,以及没有任何真正的需要改变它,但是高跟鞋是一个愚蠢的想法,一个主要的健康和安全风险。”
“She told me to take flat shoes with me and not to push myself, but when I got home at about 8 AM she was horrified, saying it was ridiculous that they expect us to wear them all shift. And they clearly back-tracked when they saw my feet because they knew it meant potential problems. She was supportive but was really concerned about my injuries saying I should have listened to my coworker,s but was proud that I stood up for myself and others, my mother didn’t want me to get hurt. My mother was the one who ended up putting the bandages on [my feet] properly for a while, as she was a nurse.”
Despite the injuries she sustained, the woman said that she would be willing to repeat what she did. “Yes I would if there is no other option or it was given on short notice. Not because of vanity reasons, but companies that expect women to wear high heels for extended periods of time is against basic health and safety for individuals and the company.”
“For myself, I have hypermobility syndrome in my right knee, which I grew up with, which causes my joints to dislocate (especially under pressure). Wearing heels does not help. The pain from that can last days maybe months if my knee gives way. I left that information out of my post because I felt it was irrelevant but it is a basic example of things they do not consider when implementing uniforms, and this is a minor condition, imagine if it was something more serious. Companies should look out for their employee’s comfort, health, safety, and overall well-being.”