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    Artist Makes “Porcelain” Weapons To Explore What It Means To Be A Woman


    Helena Hauss is a 29-year-old French artist who was “bored and raised” in Paris, where she currently resides. While mostly known for her extremely detailed ball-point pen drawings, Hauss has recently branched out into the world of sculptures.

    29岁的海伦娜·豪斯(Helena Hauss)是一名法国艺术家,她在巴黎“无聊地长大”,目前居住在巴黎。豪斯最出名的是她极其细致的圆珠笔素描,最近她又拓展到雕塑领域。

    In an interview with Bored Panda, Helena detailed her decision to switch media. “There were some things inside me I wanted to express which I felt I couldn’t do with just a drawing, I wanted to go beyond that. I needed to create an actual object that would say it all once you saw it,” she explained. “Something allegoric, a metaphor where people could go, “Here. This is exactly how I’ve been feeling all this time”.

    海伦娜在接受Bored Panda网站采访时详细介绍了她转行的决定。“在我内心深处,有一些东西我想要表达出来,我觉得我不能只用一幅画,我想要超越它。我需要创造一个真正的物体,一旦你看到它,它就会说出来,”她解释道。这是一种寓言,一种人们可以去的隐喻。这正是我一直以来的感受。”

    Artist Helena Hauss created these sculptures as a way to challenge our perception of femininity


    She titled her ‘porcelain’ project ‘Hell Hath no Fury’. “It’s an approach to represent the inner strength and fury that comes with being a woman, in contrast to an appearance of delicacy we’re too often branded with,” the artist elaborated. “Women have repeatedly been construed as the “weaker sex” and are regularly being preyed on or diminished in some way or another,” Hauss continued on the inspiration behind her sculptures. “Too often portrayed as fragile and delicate, this project is an expression of the contrasting subtleties that come with femininity, as well as an attempt at vindication from a feeling of constant vulnerability that’s been forced upon us.” The ‘ceramic’ weapons are a symbol of ‘inner strength, fury, and empowerment’.


    Even though the sculptures look delicate and bring out the images of precious china sets hidden in a cupboard, they are actually very sturdy. Hauss made polyurethane (a polymer that can be used for sculpting) look like porcelain, a very fragile material. “I wanted something strong that wouldn’t break easily, as a metaphor for its subject. Something that would look like Porcelain but actually isn’t,” the artist explained.


    When asked about the message behind her art, Hauss stated that she doesn’t want to make it political, she wanted her work to be a testimony of her personal feelings. “I think that’s when art works best: not with an agenda, but when done with sincerity,” she added. “It’s the difference between a song written for the masses and one written from the heart: where the lyrics hit you as something you can really relate to. That’s the human experience and in the end, it’s much more powerful than any political agenda: because that’s when we’ll all do better, when we actually truly understand each other”.


    As for what’s next in her projects? Helena plans to continue working on art similar to “Hell Hath no Fury”. “I’m currently working on a special piece made all in embroidery, tackling the same kind of idea by using both decorum and cynicism,” she let us have an exclusive glimpse at her next project. “Most of my work explores that similar theme of Irreverence [,] it’s all about challenging imposed labels and reveling in one’s own identity rather than having to apologize for it.”


    More info: helenahauss.net | Instagram

    图片来源:Giedrė Vaičiulaitytė

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