Some people volunteer at animal shelters, others save kittens who accidentally gambol onto the road, while the founder of Insect Art repairs the wings of butterflies!
The woman, who makes jewelry from real insects, is an expert at repairing butterfly wings, doing wing transplants, and making sure that these beautiful insects are restored to glory. This is a meticulous process that requires patience, dexterity, and a real passion for butterflies. Scroll down for Bored Panda’s exclusive in-depth interview with Katie VanBlaricum, the woman who was responsible for the butterfly’s successful wing transplant.
这位女士用真正的昆虫制作珠宝,她是修复蝴蝶翅膀、进行翅膀移植以及确保这些美丽的昆虫恢复光彩的专家。这是一个细致的过程,需要耐心、敏捷和对蝴蝶的真正热情。往下滚动鼠标,看看Bored Panda网站对凯蒂·凡布拉瑞库姆(Katie VanBlaricum)的独家深度采访。凡布拉瑞库姆是促成这只蝴蝶成功移植翅膀的人。
As unbelievably cool as it sounds, Insect Art’s founder isn’t the only person doing surgery on butterflies: be sure to read Bored Panda’s post about Romy McCloskey and how she repairs butterflies’ broken wings as well.
The founder of Insect Art helped a Monarch butterfly fly again by repairing its wings
Katie VanBlaricum, the founder of Insect Art from Topeka in Kansas, elaborated about the butterfly surgery in an interview with Bored Panda.
来自堪萨斯州托皮卡的昆虫艺术创始人凯蒂·凡布拉利库姆(Katie VanBlaricum)在接受Bored Panda采访时详细介绍了蝴蝶手术。
“It is not difficult for me to repair the wings since I work with dead insects for a living. It takes me less than 5 minutes to do the repair. You have to work fast, to avoid stressing the butterfly out any more than necessary.”
“I have a friend who works at a butterfly conservatory, and I have seen his “Frankenstein” butterflies flying around there, so I knew it was possible. I asked him for advice, as well as consulting the internet,” Katie explained.
The transplant was a success!
The butterfly was regaining its strength after the transplant…
…and later flew off into the sky!
Katie also confirmed that she has, in fact, volunteered at animal shelters, as well as saved kittens who had wandered onto the road.
The founder of Insect Art has been helping butterflies for several years
During the autumn migration, Monarch butterflies fly thousands of miles southward. What’s also notable about these butterflies is that Monarchs have been bred on the International Space Station. You could even say that they’re out of this world.
More info: InsectArtOnline.com | Facebook
Image credits: Insect Art