As a Pet Photographer, I love to add an element of fun to my portraits by introducing props for the dogs to interact with. This mini-series was aimed to capture the comedy of dogs and their reactions to food.
As well as capturing a natural reaction, I also wanted to stage some images to tell a visual story and show a range of expressions. Both cute and funny, these dogs faced up to the challenge and this was the result!
Finger Lickin’ Good!
This pair had the upper hand. Long snouts and tongues to get the very last scraps of the marrow stuck inside the bone.
Did they give in to temptation?
The most challenging part of this series was how long the food lasted. Some dogs made the most of the opportunity to guzzle up the food before I even got one shot. Others were more patient and I was able to create a food display around them. It was such a tease but they were well rewarded afterward!
This gentle giant was big enough to reach the high surfaces. You need to test the props to make sure they’re up to standard right?
Lick your chops!
These dogs were the ultimate treat catchers but no one’s perfect. If anyone’s seen treat catching shots or attempted it yourself then you know you need the right equipment and impeccable timing. Studio lights can freeze incredibly fast movements and with practice (and a little luck) you can capture that perfectly timed shot.
Did someone say cheese?
Popcorn and Peanuts
The ultimate test of patience!
I have to give a huge applause to this dog. Having to combine the command to wait and getting that sausage to balance on her snout was a huge challenge but she pulled it off brilliantly. Those puppy eyes looking up at you waiting for the command to release. She definitely got an extra sausage for this shot.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | rhiannonbuckle.co.uk
图片来源:Rhiannon Buckle