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    How one nonprofit is silencing 'lunch shamers'


    When I was a kid, it was the red lunch ticket. Today it's the plain cheese sandwich. In both instances the message is loud, clear and humiliating: "This child does not have enough money for lunch."



    Kids should not be punished for financial issues that are out of their control. (Photo: New Africa/Shutterstock)

    I'm sure those tickets were part of some well-intentioned plan to count the number of kids utilizing the subsidized program, but for the kids in the lunchroom, those tickets screamed poverty louder than any words ever could have.


    It's no secret that budgets are tight at schools across the country. For many, the unpaid balances on school lunch accounts add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Surely there's a better way to recoup these funds than shaming kids in front of other students.


    Enter the Lunch Angel


    Kenny Thompson (aka the Lunch Angel) has created his own solution to this problem. Thompson, a tutor and mentor at a Houston elementary school, was having lunch with one of his mentees when that child's lunch was taken away and replaced with a cheese sandwich.


    Feed the Future Forward raises funds by hosting charity events and collecting donations. The group uses all proceeds to pay off outstanding balances at school cafeterias in the Houston area. Since its launch last year, the program has expanded from one school to nearly 141 schools and 150,000 students in seven school districts.


    A federal mandate


    It's a solution that opened the door for other approaches. In 2017, the Department of Agriculture set July 1 as the deadline for all states to establish policies on how to be respectful of schoolchildren who cannot pay for their lunches.

    这个解决方案为其他方法打开了大门。2017年,美国农业部(Department of Agriculture)将7月1日定为所有州制定政策的最后期限,内容是如何尊重那些交不起午餐费用的学童。

    The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 required the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to study the issue. In response, the USDA asked schools to put a policy in place, but it allowed local discretion on the content of the policy, according to the Food Research & Action Center. (In fact the USDA has a helpful Q&A section as well as policy guidance for those who haven't instituted new rules yet.)

    《2010年健康、无饥饿儿童法案》要求美国农业部(USDA)研究这一问题。美国食品研究与行动中心(Food Research & Action Center)说,作为回应,美国农业部要求学校制定相关政策,但允许地方自行决定政策的内容。(事实上,美国农业部有一个很有帮助的问答部分,还为那些还没有制定新规定的人提供了政策指导。)

    Some cities and states have already addressed it. California outlawed lunch shaming in October 2019, ensuring that even a student with an unpaid bill will receive a hot lunch. New Mexico passed a law in March 2017 that directs schools to speak only with the parents about financial matters and prohibits the "cold cheese sandwich" approach. Minnesota, San Francisco and Houston also recently adopted anti-lunch-shaming policies, to name just a few.


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