The massive, rust-red rock rising from the dry ground in the middle of Australia is a sight that leaves most people in awe. Indeed, it's such a unique structure that the Anangu tribe, an Aboriginal people of Australia, have considered it a sacred site for 10,000 years or more.
澳大利亚中部干燥的地面上矗立着巨大的铁锈红色的岩石,这一景象让大多数人敬畏不已。事实上,它是如此独特的结构,以至于澳大利亚原住民阿南古部落(Anangu tribe)一万多年来一直把它视为圣地。
Uluru is an impressive geological sight and a sacred cultural place. (Photo: Maurizio De Mattei/Shutterstock.com)
Here are some things worth knowing about this special place — including how to virtually walk around the soaring tower of sedimentary rock.
Uluru is a sacred place
Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is a large sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory, central Australia. (Photo: Maurizio De Mattei/Shutterstock.com)
Uluru has a rich geological history but also a rich cultural history. The monolith is a holy place for the Anangu tribe, who have been in the area for around 10,000 years.
Artwork on the rock dates back at least 5,000 years, possibly more, and as Parks Australia explains, the drawings are not frozen in time: "Anangu have a living culture, this symbolism is still used in sand painting, wooden craft making, body painting and modern artworks today."
Most of Uluru's mass is underground
The stripes running down the side of Uluru's face are from erosion caused by runnels of rainwater flowing down. (Photo: Maurizio De Mattei/Shutterstock)
Standing at 1,141 feet tall, 2.2 miles long and 1.2 miles wide, Uluru is a truly massive piece of rock. And yet most of Uluru is actually underground. Though it looks like it was set down on the landscape, Uluru isn't like a boulder that rolled into place and mostly sits above ground. Rather, the rock is more like an iceberg, with some of its mass above the surface but much of it remaining below. More than 1.5 miles of the rock is believed to lie beneath the ever-eroding earth, though no one knows for certain how far it goes.
Uluru is a UNESCO World Heritage site
Uluru is a popular tourist destination, with many accessing the area to celebrate the landscape and the culture surrounding the rock. The Uluru Base Walk that runs around the entire base of the rock. (Photo: Maurizio De Mattei/Shutterstock.com)
Not only is Uluru recognized unofficially as a truly special spot, but the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) named Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park as World Heritage site, a prestigious designation.
It's not the biggest monolith in the world
Many think Uluru is the largest single chunk of rock on the planet, but that's a misconception. Mount Augustus in Western Australia is actually the largest monolith around. Though it can't lay claim to this superlative, Uluru is more than simply a monolith.
While you know how Uluru was formed, you might be wondering how it got its amazingly vivid color. The rock that forms Uluru has a high iron content, so while the rock really has a grayish color, the oxidation that occurs with weathering turns the surface rust red.