Many say the baby boomers don't care about the climate crisis because they'll be dead when the worst hits the fan, but that's not true; as we wrote earlier, Baby boomers will be among the hardest hit by climate change. Many people hitting 65 today are still going to be around in 2050, and at an age where they're least able to cope. They're also going to want to be in buildings that are resilient, healthy, don't run on fossil fuels and don't need much fresh water.
Aegis Living's Lake Union is a model of how we should be building everything. (Photo: Aegis Living Lake Union)
The Living Building Challenge is one of the toughest building standards in the world; The Bullitt Center, also in Seattle, is built to it and is considered by many to be the world's greenest building. When I first saw the press release I thought, Wow! A seniors residence with composting toilets? Drinking rainwater? Generating all of its own power? Can they actually do this?
生活建筑挑战是世界上最严格的建筑标准之一;同样位于西雅图的布利特中心(Bullitt Center)就是以此为基础建造的,许多人认为它是世界上最环保的建筑。当我第一次看到新闻稿时,我想,哇!有堆肥厕所的老年公寓?喝雨水吗?自己发电?他们真的能做到吗?
The building is going for three of the seven petals of the Living Building Challenge. (Photo: Aegis Living Early Design Guidance)
However they're planning to use non-potable water (rainwater and grey water) for non-potable uses, possibly flushing toilets or landscape, which will significantly reduce demand for the fresh stuff.
This is the Bullitt Center's solar hat — sorry for my terrible exposure, but you get the idea. (Photo: Lloyd Alter)
They're going for the Materials petal, which was really hard to do when the Bullitt Center was built because some materials like PVC are banned under the Red List but are in wiring, and neoprene is in most gaskets. But in the last five years, a lot of companies have responded to this growing market, and these types of materials are a lot easier to get, though still more expensive.
Modeled after a modern boathouse, the building design will pay tribute to the 1936 University of Washington men's rowing team that took gold at the Berlin Olympics.
Visions of rowing clubs and shell houses inspired the design. (Photo: Aegis Living Early Design Guidance)
They make a big deal about this in their project vision statement, saying "The project will be an example of craftsmanship, lightness, and community, merging the philosophy of Aegis Living and the imperatives of the Living Building Challenge with the story and design concept of the rowing team and shell house."
Lake Union doesn't look like a shell house to me. (Photo: Aegis Living)
Now I must say, I'm a senior rower and have seen a lot of shell houses and boathouses around the world, and I don't see the connection. I'm also an architect, so I do recognize that cantilevered roof, but it's still a stretch. But I do hope they do add seniors' rowing to their list of activities; when I used to race, I was routinely beaten by athletes in their eighties.
Besides, this is a minor quibble. The key point is that any new building today should be built this way. The climate is changing, snowpack from the Cascades may not be supplying all that fresh water and the Columbia River may not be producing as much electricity. Cooling loads might go way up, which is why those triple-glazed windows and insulation are so necessary.
We can't build new residences that "lock-in" inefficiency and waste. We're going to need a lot of these kinds of assisted living buildings in a decade or so; this is how to do it.