Some artists paint red or blue, some artists create landscapes and portraiture, but this artist decided to ‘paint’ Kindness & Universal LOVE.
“As a Pubic Artist, my projects are very LARGE.” My work is all about saving our planet and is an attempt to make our world a more beautiful place to live. After working with many environmental non-profit organizations, I have come to realize that only Kindness & Universal LOVE will save Us.
“A well created public art project takes upon a life of its own.”
From a request by the City of Boynton Beach to create a kinetic sculpture, ‘Let LOVE Guide Your Way’ has expanded into an interactive art project to celebrate Kindness & Universal LOVE that encourages individual participation.
The artist has been asked to create a Kindness badge & Kindness curriculum for Girl Scouts called Let LOVE Guide Your Way, is creating a Peer-to-Peer Kindness Club for Boys & Girls Club and he educates the importance of Kindness in our everyday culture.
The website, www.LetLOVEGuideYourWay.com, has a newsfeed to share articles of Kindness, an interactive feature for visitors to enter their stories of Kindness, a video feature that allows visitors to share their experience of Kindness, and an online-store for visitors to contribute to the artist’s cause that promotes Kindness.
网站,www.LetLOVEGuideYourWay.com, newsfeed分享善良的文章,一个交互式功能为游客进入他们的故事的善良,一个视频功能,允许游客分享他们的经验的善良,为游客和一个在线商店为艺术家的原因,促进仁慈。
“My art is not just beautiful but must have invention and functionality.” The result was a 16 foot weathervane with a 16 foot circumference spin and weighs almost 2000 pounds. The Cupid’s arrow weighs 850 pounds. The frictionless-bearing system is able to support the arrow and it can move by a simple breathe of air, i.e by blowing on it.
Known for creating the world’s largest alligator, the Gator in the Bay goes for a swim. Made with junkyard, recycled and used materials, he Gator is the size of a football field and floats
Artist poses with his 16 foot functioning weathervane created with heart-shapes
Passerby’s enjoy stopping to look at the Cupid’s Arrow as it moves with the wind
‘Let LOVE Guide Your Way’ original weathervane is a meeting place for visitors during St Patty’s Day in Dewey Park, Boynton Beach, Florida
More info: letloveguideyourway.com