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    This Cat Was Locked Up In Solitary Confinement For Letting The Other Shelter Cats Out


    We all know that cats can be complete troublemakers. Sometimes they leave “gifts” on the carpet, sometimes they completely destroy our favorite couch. But then there are naughty cats of a completely different caliber. One such cat is Quilty, a rescue kitty currently housed at Friends For Life Animal Rescue and Adoption Organization in Houston.


    Turns out, this cat possesses a unique set of skills. And they all earned this feline a nickname… jailbreaker! Quilty is, apparently, an unstoppable force and caused the shelter a bit of trouble by letting all the other cats out of the senior room to roam loose around the facility.


    This cat named Quilty recently caused plenty of trouble at a local shelter by letting all the cats loose


    We have since Quilty-proofed the cat room, while he took a brief hiatus in the lobby. His roommates missed him while he was banished to the lobby. They enjoyed their nighttime escapades around the shelter. The staff, however, did not miss the morning cat wrangling, so we’ll just have to agree to disagree there.”


    They continued by giving more details on Quilty’s troublemaking talents:“Apparently this is not a new skill he learned here at the shelter; he used to let his dog sibling in the house at his old home.”


    The organization then urged people to adopt him ASAP:“If someone out there is looking for a clever cat that gets along with dogs but does not get along with closed doors, we have someone they really need to come and meet.


    To potentially win some hearts over, the people behind the adoption efforts even wrote a short description of the kitty. Although it was penned before he turned to a life of crime.


    “What is the coolest cat name you’ve ever heard? I think my name, Quilty is the winner! I love my name almost as much as I love a CLEAN litter box and sunning on the balcony. As much as I like getting pets, I really don’t like to get belly rubs.


    I’m a smart, energetic, laid back fella, but I can be a bit shy. If you have a friendly dog at home that is OK with me, but I’m not sure about young children. I’ve never played with them before, so I don’t know if I like them. I do know that I like to open closed doors. When I see one it challenges me, and I work hard to get it open and I’m usually successful.


    Remember the name Quilty and schedule a Meet and Greet with me. I’m ready to go to your house for a sleepover and I’m ready to stay forever.”


    As their original Facebook post gained traction, collecting over 18k likes and 14k shares, the organization decided to promote Quilty on other social media and created not only a hashtag #freequilty but also an entire Instagram page dedicated to the ‘criminal’ cat. Quilty already has around 18k followers after the Friends For Life Animal Rescue and Adoption Organization representatives took their time to upload 40 posts.


    图片来源:Giedrė Vaičiulaitytė

      上一篇:人们如此痛恨海洋太阳鱼,他们发布了这一令人捧腹的咆哮,并迅速传播开来 下一篇:这家药店为了让顾客对环境更友好,在药店里放了一个清洁用品回收站


