Now that the cold weather is here, it’s time for cozy sweaters. But with that warmth and fluff often comes shedding and pilling. Your nice snuggly sweater either leaves behind a trail of hair like your dog or starts to collect a pile of nubs in spots.
When you wear your favorite sweater, do you shed as much as your pet? (Photo: Peter Titmuss/Shutterstock)
No one likes that pilling, shedding look and you can’t just replace a sweater once it starts to look a little worn. Here are some tips for fixing those irksome issues and keeping sweaters looking like new.
Wash gently. Washing can help whisk away loose hairs, but be sure to read the label and follow care instructions. In most cases, you're safe to wash by hand in tepid water with a very gentle detergent. Let your sweater soak in the mixture for about 20 minutes, but don't knead, as that can change its shape. Plus, the less movement, the less chance for pilling. Rinse with cool water then gently roll the sweater in a towel to absorb most of the water. Shape the sweater into its original shape and dry it on a clean towel or mesh drying rack.
A sweater shaver zips over the surface, slicing off all the pills. (Photo: Africa Studio)/Shutterstock
Stop rubbing. The main cause of pilling is abrasion, points out REI, so the main thing you can do to stop it is to avoid rubbing. Try not to carry a backpack or purse in the same spot if you're trying to protect your sweater and avoid wearing something on top of your sweater that will also cause friction.
Freeze it. Fold up your sweater and place it in a zip-top freezer bag. Freeze it 3 or 4 hours then take it out and give it a good shake. The belief is that this freeze-and-shake method will cause all loose hairs to fall out all at once instead of just gradually as you wear it, says WikiHow. You have to do this each time you wear it so some people suggest just storing shedding sweaters in the freezer. (How you will find room in your freezer is another matter.)
冻结。把你的毛衣叠起来,放进有拉链的冷冻袋里。冷冻3 - 4个小时,然后拿出来好好摇一摇。WikiHow说,人们相信,这种冷冻-摇动的方法会让所有脱落的毛一下子全部脱落,而不是在你穿着它的时候逐渐脱落。你每次穿毛衣都要这样做,所以有些人建议把易脱落的毛衣放在冰箱里。(至于如何在冰箱里找到空间,那就是另外一回事了。)
Turn it inside out. When you wash your sweaters or even when you store them, make sure to turn them inside out. Pilling is most likely to happen when a sweater rubs up against something else. By turning it inside out, according to Good Housekeeping, it has less of an opportunity to develop pills either in your closet or in the washing machine.
The next time you shop
Check out the label before you buy because blends are more likely to pill. (Photo: hiphoto/Shutterstock)
Choose tightly woven fabrics. The looser the weave on a fabric, the more likely it is to pill, Good Housekeeping points out. For example, tightly woven nylon will be less likely to develop pills than fuzzy fabrics like fleece, wool and flannel, says REI. For shedding, just take a look at the sweater. If hairs are already poking through and falling off when you first touch the garment, well, you know what to expect when you wear it.
Avoid blends. Check the label before you buy. Fabrics made of several fibers are more likely to pill. Those that are a combination of natural and synthetic fibers are particularly susceptible, according to Good Housekeeping. It's especially a good idea to skip fabrics that are a mix of three or more fibers.