The Quadrantid meteors, the first major meteor shower of 2020, will peak in the pre-dawn hours of Jan. 4, but you'll have to act fast if you want to see them.
They only appear for a few hours, an especially narrow window for spotting anything in the night sky. Though short, the meteor shower should be strong thanks to a waxing moon. In years past, the Quadrantids have produced 50-100 meteors per hour, and under ideal conditions, can spark up to 200 meteors per hour. The peak of this year's shower — around 3:20 a.m. EST on Saturday — could be one of the best opportunities for skywatchers, and well-worth braving the cold to experience.
On top of that, the meteor shower's radiant point — where the meteors appear to originate — is relatively far north in the Northern Hemisphere. So if you live in North America, you'll have a good opportunity to see the show.
Not like other meteor showers
Quadrantid meteor shower trails above Mount Hamilton in San Jose, California, in this undated photo. (Photo: Jeffrey T. Kreulen/Shutterstock)
While most meteor showers originate from a comet, the Quadrantids originate from Asteroid 2003 EH1. Most meteor showers are also named for the constellation closest to their radiation point, but the Quadrantids differ in this respect as well. There once was a constellation named Quadrans Muralis — thus the name — but it was incorporated into the constellation Boötes in 1922. If that doesn't ring a bell, try looking just below the Big Dipper starting around midnight, let your eyes get adjusted and look for meteors for at least an hour. Then, you should be in for a good show.
虽然大多数流星雨起源于彗星,但象限仪起源于小行星2003 EH1。大多数流星雨也以离其辐射点最近的星座命名,但象限仪在这方面也有所不同。曾经有一个星座被命名为“四角星座”(因此得名),但是它在1922年被并入了“靴子星座”。如果你还没想起来,试着从午夜开始往北斗七星下面看,让你的眼睛适应一下,至少花一个小时来寻找流星。那么,你应该会看到一场精彩的演出。
So if you have a camera, get ready and find a prime stargazing spot for one of the best meteor showers of the year.