In early April, Pennsylvania dairy farmer Ben Brown got a call from his processor that they wouldn't be able to pick up his milk for a few days. A few days meant hundreds of gallons of milk from Brown's 70-plus Holstein. Asked what he should do with all that milk, Brown was told to dump it.
When the owners of Whoa Nellie Dairy in Acme, Pennsylvania, announced online they would have to sell all their milk at the shop, this line of cars was the response. (Photo: Michael Malone Photography/Facebook)
Farmers all over the country are facing similar scenarios during the coronavirus pandemic as the food supply chain transforms. In many cases there's plenty of food but no transportation or re-packaging to get it to the people who need it. So farmers are forced to let produce rot in the field or throw away gallons of milk.
Trying not to waste a drop
Whoa Nellie Dairy owners Mary Beth and Ben Brown (left to right) and friends Adam and Samantha Shaffer. Samantha works on the farm with the Browns. (Photo: Whoa Nellie Dairy)
Brown and his wife Mary Beth weren't going to let that happen. Their Whoa Nellie Dairy had been in business since the 1700s. The farm is located in Acme, just south of Pittsburgh. They had been bottling and selling about a quarter of their milk in a small farm store with the rest sold to the processor. Sales weren't always good in the store, but they figured they'd spread the word and sell what they could. It was better than letting it go to waste, says Samantha Shaffer, a Whoa Nellie employee and close family friend.
So, Mary Beth posted on Facebook telling friends and followers that they were being asked to "dump down the drain" a total of 12 milkings. "We are totally disgusted by this kind of waste. (We also do not get paid for the dumped milk obviously.) We can only pasteurize and bottle 30 gallons at a time, but we are going to work around the clock to try and bottle as much as we can this week. We are REALLY going to try to not waste a drop!"
She announced that they'd open up the farm store with an extra day and more hours to sell directly to consumers.
They've sold out every day since they've been open with people waiting patiently, the line often snaking a half mile or more up the road.
The 'sold out' sign goes up quickly at the dairy. (Photo: Whoa Nellie Dairy)
Some people have been driving from far away to purchase milk and others have been showing their support online.
"We drive almost an hour, stood in line for almost an hour in the rain. Would do it again in a heartbeat. The milk is that good!," wrote Sharon Bobich wrote on Facebook. "I would support other Farmers if they decided to sell directly to the public whether it be milk, cheese, meat and of course vegetables. It's good to know where these items are coming from. We owe everything to our Farmers. Thanks for all you are doing."
“我们开了将近一个小时的车,在雨中排了将近一个小时的队。马上就会再来一次。牛奶那么好!Sharon Bobich在脸书上写道。“如果其他农民决定直接向公众出售牛奶、奶酪、肉类,当然还有蔬菜,我会支持他们。知道这些东西来自哪里是件好事。我们的一切都归功于我们的农民。谢谢你们所做的一切。”
Keeping farms alive
The Browns milk about 70 cows twice a day on their Pennsylvania farm. (Photo: Whoa Nellie Dairy)
Every single person who has stopped by to purchase milk has been nice and has kind words to say, Shaffer says. Even if they've waited in a long line and the milk has run out, they never complain. Many still come back a couple days in a row, hoping to be able to buy fresh milk.
The dairy makes creamline milk, which is minimally processed. It has been pasteurized at a low temperature, but not homogenized or separated. That means the rich cream rises to the top and you have to shake it before you can drink it. It doesn't taste like the milk you buy in stores, Shaffer says.
The farm is selling whole white milk, whole chocolate milk, and whole strawberry milk in pints, quarts, half gallons, and gallons. They've had to limit how many products people can buy and had to upgrade from their 30-gallon vat to pasteurize milk to a 45-gallon vat. They're talking with a supplier about a 100-gallon vat, Shaffer says, but that won't happen until late summer or early fall.
The farm owners and employees are amazed at the feedback they keep receiving from new fans as far away as Australia, the U.K., and Canada. Many ask if they'll ship milk. Instead, they encourage them to look locally.
"We try to encourage everyone to try to find their local farms who are trying to do the same thing and support them," Shaffer says. "We appreciate all the support. It's so heartwarming."