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    Should You Mist Your Houseplants?


    Some houseplants love mist, others not so much. Here's what to know.


    There are two kinds of houseplant keepers in the world: Those who mist and those who do not. And believe it or not, it's a topic of hot contention. Team Mist says that houseplants from tropical climes like the mist since they are humidity lovers; Team Don't Mist says that misting doesn't actually increase humidity, and may in fact lead to other problems like the spread of pests and pathogens.

    世界上有两种室内植物看守人:喜雾者和不喜雾者。信不信由你,这是一个激烈争论的话题。Mist团队说,来自热带气候的室内植物喜欢雾,因为它们喜欢潮湿;Don't Mist团队表示,雾实际上不会增加湿度,实际上可能会导致其他问题,比如害虫和病原体的传播。


    I have swung both ways, and have found that my misted plants thrive. And it's good for us humans too; there are bona fide health benefits from interacting with houseplants, and misting is a nice way to spend some quality time with your plants.


    In the end much depends on the type of plants you have and the climate you live in. But in support of misting, here is what you should know.


    Should you mist your houseplants?


    Many popular houseplants hail from jungles with moist air and do well when the humidity is between 30 to 40 percent. Many homes are drier than that – and while most houseplants can handle it, adding some moisture can help them thrive. Leaf curling, yellowing, and leaves with brown edges and tips are all signs that plant may not be getting enough humidity.


    Which plants like moisture?


    Some plants don't need extra moisture, but here are some that love it: Zebra plant, anthurium, orchids, fittonia, palms, African violet , ferns, philodendrons, corn plant , banana, schefflera, caladium, croton and begonia.

    有些植物不需要额外的水分,但这里有一些是相反的:斑马植物,花烛属植物,兰花,fittonia,手掌、非洲紫罗兰,蕨类植物,喜林芋,玉米植株, 香蕉、鹅掌柴,,贝母,巴豆和秋海棠。

    Who not to mist?


    Do not mist your African violets! (Sonja McAllister/Flickr)/CC BY 2.0

    Do not mist plants with fuzzy leaves, like African violets and piggyback plants – water on their leaves will lead to permanent spotting. Here you can use a humidity tray. Fill a tray, or bowl with pebbles, river stones, et cetera and fill with water just below the top. Place the plant on top, being sure that the water isn't touching the pot.Also, don't mist plants that don't require a lot of moisture, like succulents, dragon tree, fiddle leaf fig , yucca, pothos, ponytail plant.


    Group your plants


    ©. IKEA

    Putting plants together in a little huddle can also help them create humidity for one another. You can place small plants together, as long as they have enough space between them for a little air circulation. You can also groups small and large plants together.


    In addition to misting, you can give your plants a gentle shower in the bathroom or outside with a hose, once or twice a year; this will clean the leaves and help prevent spider mites.


    Lastly, moisture loving plants thrive in the bathroom (as long as there is proper light).


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