The famous art galleries are not only a stop to enjoy the art but also a place for those who want to find some peace for themselves.
There are many ways you can learn about the lives and work of famous artists. Besides going to the museum, it is also interesting to visit the artist's private galleries. When visiting these galleries, you will feel the artists' creativity from the way they choose their drawing tools, landscapes to their desks, and the surrounding details which helped them get inspired. Here are the famous galleries in the world that art lovers should not forget to visit in their journey.
6 famous private galleries around the world
Casa Azul Frida Kahlo Gallery, Mexico
Casa Azul Frida Kahlo画廊,墨西哥
In 1904, Frida Kahlo's father built a house in Coyoacán, Mexico City. Lovingly called La Casa Azul (green house), where the famous Mexican artist was born and raised and is where she created many of her most famous masterpieces.
1904年,弗里达·卡罗的父亲在墨西哥城的科约亚坎建了一座房子。被亲切地称为La Casa Azul(绿色的房子),这里是这位著名的墨西哥艺术家出生和成长的地方,也是她创作了许多最著名的杰作的地方。
Today, the house has become a museum and many visitors are able to visit the lush gardens, vibrant bedrooms and two-story gallery built by her husband in 1940. This gallery remains intact. the lines from her death, along with furniture and unfinished drawing tools, her wheelchair is also retained.
Atelier De Paul Cézanne, France
Post-Impressionist French artist Paul Cézanne finds abundant writing inspiration in Aix-en-Provence, his hometown. In 1902, he bought a farm nestled in the woods and converted it into a sunny studio. Here, he completed some important pictures of his career, as he saw that there he could do better in the city.
Today, tourists stopping here can visit his gallery. As well as Kahlo's Casa, Atelier de Paul Cézanne contains the author's interior features and drawing tools, including the Still Life with Plaster Cupid drawing and the Memento Mori skull painting, which makes it one of the most famous art galleries in the world.
Barbara Hepworth, England's beach house
Barbara Hepworth,英国的海滨别墅
In the 1940s, British artist Barbara Hepworth helped an artist set up a gallery in the seaside town of St Ives. At Trewyn Gallery, which is also her home and workspace, she found everything a modern artist could hope for. “I noticed some miracle in the Trewyn Gallery,” she said.
20世纪40年代,英国艺术家芭芭拉·赫普沃思帮助一位艺术家在海滨小镇圣艾夫斯建立了一家画廊。在她的家和工作室Trewyn Gallery,她找到了现代艺术家所能期待的一切。“我在特雷文画廊发现了奇迹,”她说。
In 1980, Tate remodeled this gallery, turning it into the Barbara Hepworth museum and sculpture garden. Luckily, many corners of the museum remain as Hepworth's intentions are, wishing visitors today to see its stone and plaster sculptures. "With shelves, tools, clothing and personal belongings, this home has high courtesy and offers a lot of remarkable things about Hepworth's life."
Shared space by Lee Krasner and Jackson Pollock, USA
Lee Krasner和Jackson Pollock的共享空间,美国
In 1945, abstract expressionist and collage artist Lee Krasner married her colleague Jackson Pollock. That same year, the couple acquired what is now known as the home and gallery of Pollock-Krasner, a charming wooden-framed house on Long Island, New York.
For years, the couple moved the gallery home. In 1945, Pollock used the upstairs bedroom as her workplace. The following year, however, he began working in a warehouse near his home, letting Krasner continue in his old bedroom. After the death of her husband in 1956, Krasner also moved to work in the warehouse for the rest of his life.
Claude Monet's Home, France
From 1883 until his death at the age of 43, impressionist pioneer Claude Monet lived and worked in Giverny, a beautiful countryside in Normandy, France. An outdoor enthusiast, he was inspired to design his living space as close to nature as possible, from oriental gardens (a colorful endeavor he famously described as a beautiful masterpiece) to the sunlit gallery overlooking the garden.
In addition to the walls of this space there are recreations of paintings he created there (many originals found at the Musée Marmottan Monet museum), visitors can visit the gallery intact as from Monet period. Every corner of the house, furniture and objects are kept exactly the same, bringing a sense of authenticity to this place.
The O'Keeffe: Welcome Center, USA
In 1945, modernist painter Georgia O’keeffe bought the Abiquiu House, a Spanish colonial house in Abiquiu, New Mexico. It was in a derelict when O’keeffe acquired, and she soon turned it into an art oasis by remodeling it into a brightly lit gallery.
1945年,现代主义画家乔治亚·欧姬芙在新墨西哥州的Abiquiu买下了西班牙殖民时期的房子Abiquiu House。当欧姬芙买下这栋房子时,它已经废弃了,她很快把它改造成了一个灯光明亮的画廊,把它变成了一个艺术绿洲。