Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disease in which thyroid function is disrupted, preventing the organ from producing enough hormones such as thyroxine, T3, and T4 - which are essential for the body's metabolism. People with hypothyroidism can have hypocalcemia, which greatly affects the heart, nervous system and the process of regulating heat in the body.
Hypothyroidism is not an easy disease to treat, and daily diet also significantly affects the patient's treatment.
Certain nutrients can have a significant effect on thyroid function, and some foods inhibit the absorption of the replacement hormones you need to treat hypothyroidism.
The foods are not good for people with hypothyroidism
Foods containing soybeans (boiled soybeans, tofu, miso ...)
Soy contains isoflavones - a compound that has the ability to negatively impact the thyroid gland. Some researchers believe that eating too much soybeans can increase the risk of hypothyroidism. However, according to a study published in Scientific Reports in March 2019, soy has no effect on thyroid hormones and the increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone is also minimal.
However, a few other studies also show that soy consumption can affect the ability to absorb thyroid medicine. Therefore, you should only take the drug after at least 4 hours of eating soybeans.
Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower ...)
Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cabbage, are loaded with fiber and other nutrients. However, they can interfere with thyroid hormone production if you have an iodine deficiency. Therefore, you should limit your intake of Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, turnips, chard ...
Many studies show that eating these vegetables can prevent the thyroid from using iodine, which is essential for the thyroid to function properly. However, according to the Mayo Clinic, it takes large amounts of cruciferous vegetables to actually impact iodine absorption.
Patients with hypothyroidism and iodine deficiency can still eat these cruciferous vegetables, but they must be thoroughly cooked to minimize their impact on the thyroid gland. In addition, you should also not eat these vegetables more than 140g / day.
Gluten-containing foods (bread, pasta, rice ...)
According to Ruth Frechman - a nutritionist and spokesperson for the Institute of Nutrition in Los Angeles, patients with hypothyroidism should limit their intake of gluten - a protein found in processed foods such as wheat, barley, and rice. rye and decent grains. If you have Celiac disease, gluten can irritate the small intestine and interfere with the absorption of thyroid hormone replacement medications.
据营养学家兼洛杉矶营养研究所发言人Ruth Frechman说,甲状腺功能减退症患者应该限制麸质的摄入量。麸质是一种存在于加工食品如小麦、大麦和大米中的蛋白质。黑麦和优质谷物。如果你患有乳糜泻,谷蛋白会刺激小肠干扰甲状腺激素替代药物的吸收。
A study published in the journal Endocrine Connections in May 2017 found that hypothyroidism and Celiac disease often appear together. Currently, there are no studies to prove that a gluten-free diet can cure hypothyroidism, but it may have some benefits for women with hypothyroidism.
Fatty foods (butter, meat, fried foods ...)
Fat can interfere with your ability to absorb thyroid hormone replacement drugs, says Stephanie Lee, deputy head of the Department of Endocrinology, Nutrition and Diabetes at the Boston Medical Center.
Fat can also affect the thyroid's ability to produce hormones. Some health care experts recommend that you should completely eliminate fried foods and fatty products such as butter, mayonnaise, margarine, fatty meats ...
The coffee
Scientists have discovered that the caffeine in coffee has the ability to block the absorption of thyroid hormone replacement drugs. "People on thyroid medication and drinking coffee for breakfast make thyroid hormone levels difficult to control, making it difficult for doctors," said Dr. Lee. She also advises everyone to take the pill with water, as well as only drink coffee after at least 30 minutes of medication.
Foods high in sugar
Hypothyroidism can slow down your metabolism, making it easier to gain weight if you're not careful. "You should avoid foods high in sugar because they are high in calories with no nutrients," says nutritionist Frechman.