A whole arm of robotics is focusing on bug-size 'bots (and smaller).
It's not just the size of tiny insects that are inspiring roboticists; it's also the many complex tasks and physical feats that comprise the everyday lives of many fleas, flies and other six-legged creatures.
The question isn't only how big and powerful we can make a machine, but how small and savvy. What might humans be capable of if we could command a tiny army of simple machines? How could we use robots that could fly, skim across the water, hop to the ceiling and even swarm?
That's exactly the kind of question roboticists like Zeynep Temel, an assistant professor of robotics at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, is asking -- and answering -- in her lab.
Tiny robots would be useful in medical applications -- for targeted drug delivery or simple surgeries sans incisions, according to Temel. Miniature robots could also save lives in dangerous places like minefields, or during search and rescue: "If you have small bug-robots, it's possible to do ‘more efficient -- and safer -- rescue operations’ following an avalanche or earthquake where it's dangerous for humans or even larger robots to tread. " she said.
Small robots that can work together, like ants or bees do, would also be ideal for exploring other planets like Mars, again keeping humans away from risky, unexplored situations:
"I hope my research will be used to make modular robots that can self-assemble, to be used by astronauts in unknown environments to lend a helping hand," said Jamie Paik, founder and director of the Reconfigurable Robotics Lab at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
These are just some of the important applications bio-inspired robots could be used for, and that's why roboticists at the worldwide major robotics labs are dedicated to exploring the class Insecta.
Ants are a favorite inspiration -- they're able to lift bulky and heavier-than-they-are loads and travel quickly in sandy deserts as well as woodlands. These insects also work together to create bridges and surmount obstacles.
Why are insects such useful inspiration for roboticists? They give scientists a starting point, Paik said, that proves a possibility -- such as jumping 100 times their height like a flea, climbing vertical obstacles (or even upside down) or packing wings under a petite hard shell like a ladybug. "These are nature's optimized designs," she said.
Temel backed up Paik's point -- while she said she's still a bit personally afraid of insects (the live ones), she has nonetheless come to admire how well they solve so many difficult problems.
"They swim, they fly fast and know how to balance to perch, they walk and jump on the water's surface, and they can jump onto leaves which are like tiny, unstable platforms," Temel said.
One of the biggest challenges for robots of all sizes is remaining upright on complex surfaces. "Robots are good at smooth, but natural terrain is fascinatingly rough, and so it's difficult for robots," said Kathryn Daltorio, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Case Western Reserve University.
There is still a lot more research for roboticists to do before robots are as smart and agile as insects: "Even a small fly has really smart reactions that are quick and able to respond to a lot of sensory information," Daltorio said. "(Insects) have this very rich and adaptive behavioral repertoire that we can't yet get a robot to do."