Yeah, we know, Christmas isn’t for another two and a half months and talking about it too early tends to make people angry about it, but why not get a good head start on what you could be doing for this year?
Now, every year, you probably want a huge Christmas tree, but have never really been able to fit one into your home, right? Well, as it turns out, there’s this thing called the half Christmas tree which is exactly what you’re thinking—it is literally a Christmas tree that is vertically sawed in half to save space.
Turns out, there are ‘half’ Christmas trees that saves space and you don’t have to decorate the back
As the description states, it is a semi-round Christmas tree that is designed to rest against a wall. The tree is specifically designed to be used in smaller living spaces where a full-sized tree may turn out to be impractical.
The idea is that the half Christmas tree leans on the wall that it is placed at
Besides the size, this also solves another issue that some of us lazy decorators have—decorating the back. If there is no back side on a tree, there is nothing to decorate.
To make things even more lazy, it comes with 350 pre-strung LED lights rated to work 25k hours
The tree measures at 78 inches in height by 43 inches in width and 22 inches in depth (198 by 109 by 56 centimeters), weighing in at around 30 pounds (or 13.6 kilograms). Yes, there is room for presents under the tree.
The 6.5-feet-high ‘half’ tree is distributed by the American retailer Hammacher Schlemmer
这棵6.5英尺高的“半”树由美国零售商Hammacher Schlemmer销售
People can buy the against-the-wall Christmas tree on Hammacher Schlemmer’s website for $249.95 and, according to their website, it’s duty-free if ordering to Canada, so there you go.
人们可以在Hammacher Schlemmer的网站上以249.95美元的价格买到这棵墙顶圣诞树,根据他们的网站,如果订购到加拿大,它是免税的,所以你可以订购了。
It can be purchased from the Hammacher Schlemmer’s website for $249.95
可以在Hammacher Schlemmer的网站上以249.95美元的价格购买
There’s also a different kind of half tree where there’s half of it horizontally—the Argos Home 6-foot tree with a Christmas tree on top and just the trunk on the bottom half of the tree. This one provides more room for presents.
Turns out, there’s also a ‘quarter’ tree that’s available in Target
And there’s also another kind of ‘half’ tree by Argos that’s half horizontally, not vertically
Image credits: Hammacher Schlemmer