Welcome to the wonderfully weird world of bad wildlife photos, brought to you by the friendly and (sometimes) camera-savvy people from the Crap Wildlife Photography Facebook group. In case you haven’t heard about these up-and-comers, they’re dedicated exclusively to (yup—you guessed it!) crappy wildlife photos.
We’ve collected some of the best new photos from the group to boost your mood and give you a good chuckle, so scroll down, upvote your fave ones, and post your own bad photos of wild animals in the comments below. You can check out Bored Panda’s previous articles about the fantastic Crap Wildlife Photography group right here.
我们从这个群组里收集了一些最好的新照片,让你心情好起来,咯咯笑一声,所以往下翻,给你最喜欢的照片投上一票,然后在下面的评论里发布你自己的野生动物照片。你可以点击这里查看Bored Panda之前关于fantastic Crap野生动物摄影组的文章。
Scroll down for Bored Panda's interview with the Crap Wildlife Photography moderator team. Founded back in 2015, the group went absolutely viral in January 2020 and now boasts over 387k members. And the amount of content their members submit each day is absolutely staggering!
图片来源:Jonas Grinevičius
More info: Facebook (Group) | Facebook (Page) | Instagram | Twitter